
Will 13th of Auxílio Brasil still be paid to women? Understand

Recently, Jair Bolsonaro promised to pay a 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil. In short, the benefit would be exclusive to women who benefit from the program.


Recently, Jair Bolsonaro promised to pay a 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil. In short, the benefit would be exclusive to women who benefit from the program. The objective would be to pay the benefit in 2023.

Furthermore, it was one of several campaign promises made by Bolsonaro focusing on the program's beneficiaries. With the defeat at the polls last Sunday, October 30th, what about the promise?

Will 13th of Auxílio Brasil still be paid to women?

The situation did not occur as the president expected. This is because Bolsonaro was not re-elected, and will pass the presidential belt to Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which has raised rumors about what the future of the 13th of Auxílio Brasil will be.

Without giving further details, Bolsonaro only promised to release the 13th salary from Auxílio Brasil through a post on social media. The only information released by him is that the release of the extra will prioritize women beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil.

To fulfill this promise, Bolsonaro would have to approve a bill in the National Congress. In fact, in March 2022, senator Alexandre Silveira (PSD-MG) presented a proposal in this regard, but it did not move forward. 

Furthermore, as Bolsonaro did not win the elections, it is unlikely that he will draft a bill to release the 13th Brazil Aid for women.

Target audience of the social program

Families that are in a vulnerable situation that fall within the extreme poverty and poverty lines can receive Auxílio Brasil. In these cases, the monthly per capita family income is a maximum of R$ 105 to R$ 210 

Currently, there are 3 ways to receive Auxílio Brasil:

  • If the family already received Bolsa Família: In this situation, Auxílio Brasil will be paid automatically; 
  • If the family is already on CadÚnico but did not receive Bolsa Família: In this case the family enters the reserve list; 
  • If the family is not in CadÚnico: It is necessary to look for a CRAS to register. However, this does not guarantee receipt of Auxílio Brasil. 

Furthermore, it is worth highlighting that the family MUST be composed of one of these components:

  • Children; 
  • Pregnant women;
  • Mothers who are still breastfeeding;
  • Teenagers; 
  • Young people between 0 and 21 years of age.

When do Auxílio Brasil payments start in November?

The Auxílio Brasil calendar for the month of November already has the dates defined. The next installment will be deposited between the 17th and 30th of November. See below:

Final NIS numberPayment date
1November 17th
2November 18
3November 21st
4November 22
5November 23
6November 24th
7November 25th
8November 28th
9November 29
030th of November

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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