
Will the 13th of Auxílio Brasil be paid in December?

The Auxílio Brasil program was the main focus and theme of promises made by presidential candidates and among them was the payment of a 13th installment of Auxílio Brasil for women heads of families.


The Ministry of Citizenship will release Auxílio Brasil deposits for 21 million Brazilians on Monday, December 12th. In December, the last payment of the installment in the amount of R$ 600 takes place for those who make up the program and also releases another installment of Vale-Gás.

With the change of government in January 2023, many questions about the income transfer program are still uncertain. The Auxílio Brasil program was the main focus and theme of promises made by presidential candidates and among them was the payment of a 13th installment of Auxílio Brasil for women heads of families.

Will Auxílio Brasil have the 13th?

According to the law, Auxílio Brasil does not have extra bonus payments for families in situations of poverty and extreme poverty. The only time the government paid an additional amount was in 2019, when Jair Bolsonaro fulfilled his campaign promise in 2018 and released the 13th for Bolsa Família. Payments did not continue in the following years.

During the dispute with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the 2nd round of the elections in 2022, Jair Bolsonaro promised to pay a 13th installment of Auxílio Brasil. Only this time the money would only be passed on to single mothers, who numbered around 17 million in the month of October.

With the defeat at the polls, the 13th of Auxílio Brasil was left aside. Firstly, because it was nothing more than an electoral promise that did not have resources foreseen in the Budget project for the year 2023, that is, even if Bolsonaro won in the 2nd round it would still be necessary to go a long way to find ways to pay for the allowance.

The second reason is that the 13th of Auxílio Brasil is not in the plans of the Lula government, which assumes the presidency on January 1, 2023. So far, the PT member's transition team is seeking to approve the PEC that will continue the installments of R$ 600 plus the inclusion of an additional value of R$ 150 for children aged 0 to 6 years.

For this reason, female heads of families should not receive the 13th of Auxílio Brasil in December. The Minister of Citizenship confirmed that “the payment of the 13th salary is not foreseen for beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil”.

Installment value in December

With the average value of R$ 607 in the month of November, the last installment of 2022 should revolve around this value. It is important to remember that in December, more than 5.9 million people received another installment of Vale-Gás.

The benefit paid bimonthly must have the value of R$ 110, as happened in October, and will be deposited following the Brazil Aid payment dates.

Auxílio Brasil December calendar

The Auxílio Brasil December calendar starts on the 12th, for those registered with final NIS 1 and continues until December 23rd, when the last group receives it.

Final NIS numberPayday
1December 12, 2022
2December 13, 2022
3December 14, 2022
4December 15, 2022
5December 16, 2022
6December 19, 2022
7December 20, 2022
8December 21, 2022
9December 22, 2022
0December 23, 2022

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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