
13th of the INSS: What will be the amount paid for the benefit this year?

The INSS will soon start paying the 13th salary to retirees and pensioners. This year, the Government decided to advance payments.


The INSS will soon begin paying the long-awaited 13th salary to retirees and pensioners. This year, the Government decided to bring forward the payment schedule, a measure that had been carried out in recent years.

Not all INSS policyholders can receive their 13th salary. There are requirements that must be met, such as the need to receive a benefit that grants the extra allowance. The funds are deposited directly into the account where the beneficiary receives the money every month.

Retirees, pensioners, people receiving disability benefits, maternity pay beneficiaries and other benefits offered by Social Security can receive the 13th salary from the INSS. It is important to remember that those who receive the BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit) and RMV (Lifetime Monthly Income) cannot receive the extra allowance.

Value of INSS 13th installments

The installments of the 13th are calculated with the same logic used for workers with a formal contract, public servants and other people eligible to receive the bonus. The amount received per month by the retiree or pensioner is considered, as well as the number of months in which the benefit is paid.

Those who have received the benefit for more than a year will have a higher value compared to those who benefited in recent months. It happens like this:

  • The sum of all payments over the last 12 months is made;
  • The result is divided by 12 months;
  • The final amount is divided into 2 parts, with payment in different months.

Thus, the calculation of the INSS 13th is based on the average of monthly amounts received over a year. The division into two installments seeks to balance receipts throughout the year, helping retirees and pensioners to plan financially.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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