
13th of the INSS: When will the statement with the value of the first installment be released?

Retirement holders, temporary incapacity benefit, death pension, accident benefit and incarceration benefit receive the 13th INSS benefit.


From May 21st, INSS retirees and pensioners will now be able to consult the monthly benefit payment statement (referring to the month of May) with the 1st installment of the 13th INSS salary (50% of the value, without counting any discount provided by law). According to the agency, the report will be made available through the website https://www.gov.br/inss/pt-br or in the My INSS app.

Those entitled to retirement, temporary incapacity benefit (or former sickness benefit), death pension, accident benefit and incarceration benefit will be able to receive the 13th salary from the INSS. In cases of sickness benefit, the amount is calculated proportionally to the time in which the benefit was received.

Who receives the (BPC/Loas) Continuous Payment Benefit – benefit granted to elderly people over 65 years of age and to people with disabilities, who prove a monthly income of up to 25% of the minimum wage per capita cannot receive the benefit. Those who receive (RMV) Lifetime Monthly Income You are also not entitled to INSS 13th.

When do INSS 13th payments take place?

Policyholders who receive up to ONE monthly minimum wage - and who will receive the benefit for the first time in the amount of up to R$ 1,320 (adjusted value from R$ 1,302 to R$ 1,320 on May 1st) will be able to withdraw the monthly amount together with the first part of the allowance between May 25th and June 7th. Following the current calendar, payments will be made for one group per day. The first to make withdrawals will be those who have a Benefit Card with the final digit 1 (ignoring the last digit after the dash).

See too: Government ANTICIPATE INSS 13th calendar; See calendar dates

For those who receive MORE than the minimum wage, deposits will take place between the 1st and 7th of June. Here, payments will be made for 2 groups per day. The first to withdraw will be those with the final benefit number 1 or 6.

It is important to remember that the first part of the 13th INSS does not have discounts provided for by law, such as IR (Income Tax) and alimony discounts, if applicable. The 2nd installment – with discounts included – will be released together with the benefit for the month of June.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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