
When will the 14th salary be released for retirees and pensioners?


The bill that will determine the payment of the 14th salary for retirees and retirees of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) has been in progress in Congress for more than two years. To become law, it must be approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate before being sanctioned by the President.

When will the 14th salary be granted to INSS retirees? 

Despite dating back to 2020, there is great expectation among INSS policyholders for the government to approve the 14th salary for pensioners and retirees this year. If it goes through all the necessary approval steps, it will be paid to more than 30 million Brazilians who will receive: 

– Pension; 

– sickness benefit; 

– death pension;

– maternity benefit; 

– Accident Assistance; 

– Aid for incarceration. 

The project is being processed in the Chamber and awaits the appointment of a special committee that will analyze the text. The bad news is that the PL still needs to go through several commissions. This means that the 14th salary will probably not be approved and paid in 2022.

How will the 14th salary work? 

First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the project that determines the 14th salary of INSS pensioners and pensioners specifies that the payment of the bonus will be temporary. The text by MP Pompeo de Matos (PDT/RS), which can be consulted in full on the chamber's website, provides that the fourteenth law will serve as temporary aid, as it was created to deal with the effects of the crisis caused by the pandemic for minimize the years 2020 and 2021.

This means that pensioners and retirees will exceptionally receive the equivalent of their 14th salary for two years. In other words, the payment should not be permanent. The author of the project believes that the advance of the 13th salary in 2020 and 2021 was not enough to reduce the problems of families dependent on pensions or other support.

What will be the value of the 14th salary of retirees and pensioners 

The bill stipulates that the amount to be paid as the 14th salary by INSS retirees and retirees, if approved, will be based on the minimum wage. According to the text, the calculation looks like this:

Anyone who earns a minimum wage per month is entitled to a portion of the same amount; 

Anyone earning more than one minimum wage will receive an increase proportional to the difference between the minimum wage and the social security limit, but this amount cannot exceed two minimum wages.

Considering the current minimum value, the maximum value that the insured will receive is R$ 2,424. But if approval is delayed until 2023, the 14th salary of INSS retirees will be updated according to the minimum for the year already debated in the National Congress.

In July, the basic text of the Budgetary Guidelines Law (LDO) was approved and stipulates that the minimum wage must have an adjustment of approximately 6.77, which would increase the value to R$ 1,294. But the minimum update will not be officially released by the federal government until the beginning of 2023.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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