
Bolsonaro's retirement is made official by the Diário da União

After his term as president ends, Jair Bolsonaro (PL) should continue to receive a pension of more than R$ 30 thousand. The value was defined in a law published in the Official Gazette of the Union.


After his term as president ends, Jair Bolsonaro (PL) should continue to receive a pension of more than R$ 30 thousand. The value was defined in a law published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) on Friday, December 2nd.

The publication was an initiative of Arthur Lira (PP-AL), president of the Chamber of Deputies. The value was determined based on calculations by legislative technicians and takes into account the fact that Bolsonaro was a federal deputy between 1991 and 2018.

What will be the value of Bolsonaro's retirement?

According to the document, retirement is equivalent to 32.5% of the parliamentary allowance – that is, R$ 10,972 – for having been a deputy and another 20/35 of the fixed allowance for members of the National Congress for the period of service in Congress. Which would correspond to R$ 19,293.

Thus, Jair Bolsonaro would be entitled to around R$ 30,265 per month.

Publication of the Act. Credit/Reproduction DOU.

What does the Legislation say?

The calculation of Jair Bolsonaro's retirement was made based on two laws that deal with congressmen's pensions, and Lira used the basis for editing the publication.

The First Law – Law No. 7,087, of December 29, 1982 – concerns the extinct Congressmen's Social Security Institute. According to her, the pension is granted by mandate and requires the payment of contributions for the waiting period, in addition to the minimum age of 50 years.

The other law – Law No. 9,506, of October 30, 1997 – provides that pensions will be granted to those who, at the end of their term, complete an eight-year grace period, an option that guarantees the right to proportional retirement.

Jair Bolsonaro's salary won't change much

Considering Jair Bolsonaro's current salary, there will be no major changes after his term ends with this retirement. Because today he receives a total of R$ 30,934.70. It will only be R$ 669.70 less.

Salary of politicians in Brazil

Do you know how much Brazilian politicians earn? See below:

  • President: The most important position in the country receives R$ 30,934.70. Mandatory deductions and the cap reduction reduce the amount to R$ 23,453.43 per month. As Jair Bolsonaro was a retired captain in the Brazilian Army, he also receives an Armed Forces Pension of 11,324.96 reais;
  • Vice President of the Republic: also receives R$ 30,934.70. However, in the case of Hamilton Mourão, retired as a general of the Brazilian Army, he also receives a pension in the amount of R$ 34,286.85;
  • Governors: The salary cap is R$ 35,462.22. However, the value changes depending on the state. To give you an idea: in São Paulo, the governor's salary is R$ 23,048.59. In Rio de Janeiro, the salary is R$ 19,681.33 and in Paraná, R$ 33,763.00;
  • Senators: Each senator will receive R$ 33,763.00. However, there are additional benefits, such as housing allowance, ministerial funds for hiring employees, airline tickets and the first and last salary of the mandate doubled, to pay for the parliamentarians' move between the DF and their states of origin;
  • Federal Deputies: Each deputy receives R$ 33,763.00 + all extras mentioned in the Senators topic;
  • State Deputies: Each MP receives up to R$ 25,322.25. Added to this are the benefits of each state, which vary depending on the Legislature of each one;
  • Mayor: A mayor's salary is subject to change according to municipal law. However, the salary cap for a mayor is up to R$ 33,763.00;
  • Councilors: According to the law, councilors can receive up to 75% of what state deputies earn. Therefore, the category ceiling is R$ 18,991.68. Furthermore, the amount may vary depending on the deputy's salary and the size of the municipality in which he was elected;
  • Ministers of Brazil: Each minister receives R$ 30,934.70 + additional amounts;
  • Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF): The salary is R$ 39,293.32. According to the federal constitution, no public servant can receive more than one STF minister.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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