
Increase in Brazil Aid


Proposal can be voted on this Tuesday (12)

The increase from R$ 400 to R$ 600 in Auxílio Brasil could be approved this week. The PEC should be voted on this Tuesday in the Chamber of Deputies and foresees, in addition to this increase, an adjustment from R$ 53 to R$ 120 in Vale-Gás and the creation of aid -R$ 1,000 truck driver.

The PEC also analyzes the creation of a benefit for taxi drivers, the measures are valid until the end of 2022.


In addition to Aid, Free for the elderly

The proposal also foresees the transfer of R$ 2.5 billion reais to the states to compensate for free bus tickets for seniors over 65; and another R$ 500 million for the Alimenta Brasil program, which buys food from farming families and distributes it to needy families.

Those who defend the proposal supported by the government classified the measures as essential to provide relief to the poorest families in the face of the economic crisis.


See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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