
Auxílio Brasil: Anticipation in October is confirmed; See the new dates

Auxílio Brasil’s October calendar has been brought forward. Scheduled to start on the 18th, the new schedule starts on October 11th.


Auxílio Brasil’s October calendar has been brought forward. Scheduled to start on the 18th, the Citizenship Secretariat announced this Monday, October 3rd, that beneficiaries will receive the installments on the 11th. Caixa Econômica Federal will pay the benefit from R$ 600 to over 20.65 million families.

In September, the government added another 450,000 people to the group of beneficiaries, clearing the waiting list for the social program. As a result, the Auxílio Brasil program already reaches almost 21 million families in Brazil.

With the approval of the Fuel PEC, a new additional value of R$ 200 was defined in Auxílio Brasil. According to the government, the average value last month was R$ 607.72 per household.

The minimum value of Brazil Aid of R$ 400 would be valid until December this year, but the permanent extraordinary benefit was approved by the National Congress. Thus, the minimum value should remain at R$ 400 next year, but there are already conversations behind the scenes to maintain the minimum R$ 600 promised by presidential candidates.

To find out the date of deposit of the benefit, the citizen must check the last digit of the NIS (Social Identification Number). The NIS can be checked on the Bolsa Família Card or by consulting CadÚnico through the CPF. After checking the final NIS number, simply check the schedule for the scheduled date for depositing the benefit into the account.

The official Auxílio Brasil 2022 calendar was published in the Official Gazette on December 30th. In this year 2022, the same pattern as previous Bolsa Família calendars was maintained, where payments are always made in the last fortnight of each month.

New payment schedule in October

For this month of October, the new calendar starts on the 11th and continues with payments until the 25th. See the updated dates:

Final NIS numberNew dates for October
1October 11th
2October 13
3October 14
4October 17th
5October 18
6October 19
7October 20th
8October 21st
9October 24th
0October 25

Consultation with Brazil Aid

Auxílio Brasil can be consulted through the program's App. The application is available free of charge for Android and IOS platforms. 

The deposited portion is available for withdrawal for 120 days after the date indicated in the calendar. Beneficiaries must check the “Auxílio Brasil Message” on the payment statement, with the amount of the installment. If the amount is not withdrawn within the deadline, it will be returned to the Union.

The government provides several service channels to answer questions:

  • At number 121 of the Ministry of Citizenship (Information and Reporting Center);
  • By number 111 (Caixa Citizen Service and Information on benefit and card withdrawal);
  • Through the program application.

Registering with Auxílio Brasil

The registration process for Auxílio Brasil is the same as the old Bolsa Família and must be done at city halls with entry into CadÚnico, where a family representative (Family Responsible) must locate the sector responsible for registration in the municipality, normally carried out by the Auxílio Brasil Centers. Social Assistance Reference (CRAS). 

Requirements for staying in the program

However, registration alone does not guarantee admission to the program. Families are also subjected to a selection carried out by Dataprev's computerized system, which, in addition to the program rules, takes into account the number of families served in the municipality and the budget limit allocated to the program.

The following are still requirements to remain in the program:

  • For pregnant women, participation in prenatal consultations according to the schedule recommended by the Ministry of Health (MS); 
  • Participation in MOH educational programs on breastfeeding and healthy eating, including breastfeeding mothers; 
  • Keep the vaccination record updated for children aged 0 to 7; 
  • Monitoring the health of women aged 14 to 44; 
  • Guarantee a minimum school attendance of 85% for children and young people aged 6 to 15, and 75% for young people aged 16 to 17.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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