
Auxílio Brasil consignee: Caixa releases the loan again after suspension

The Auxílio Brasil loan faced several situations of uncertainty and doubts before going into operation at the beginning of October.


The Auxílio Brasil loan faced several situations of uncertainty and doubts before going into operation at the beginning of October. Since the project was announced, the loan modality has been criticized several times for its operation. On October 24, Caixa suspended the release of the loan to program beneficiaries, the measure was a request from the Federal Audit Court.

This Monday (14) Caixa is free to make the Auxílio Brasil consignment available again. According to the bank, the release took place today at 7am. The loan remained suspended even after the election results. 

Suspension of Auxílio Brasil consignment

Although it is a measure to help the population, the Auxílio Brasil loan raises several problems. According to Caixa, suspensions will occur every month. The dates have not yet been defined, but the process is confirmed, the objective is to stop and prepare the monthly payment of the benefit.

The family can request the loan as long as the benefit is not blocked or cancelled. As the loan discount is made directly through Auxílio Brasil, the beneficiary must be up to date with the program.

The family responsible must apply for the Auxílio Brasil loan, choosing one of the authorized banks and analyzing the best offer. The beneficiary can use 40% on top of the average value of R$ 400.

As the value considered is R$ 400, the R$ 600 are valid until December, the maximum installment value is around R$ 160. Furthermore, a maximum number of 24 installments was defined. According to the rules published in Regulation No. 816, participating institutions cannot charge interest rates above 3.5%.

Banks and the Auxílio Brasil payroll

  • Caixa Econômica Federal: The institution offers a payroll loan with interest rates of 3.45% per month, it is possible to take out credit through Caixa Tem or some of the in-person service points; 
  • Pintos S/A Credits: The loan has an interest rate of 2.89%, the contract can only be signed in person. 
  • QI Sociedade de Crédito S/A: The institute offers the loan in partnership with the fintech Meu Tudo, the interest is valued at 3.39% per month. It is possible to carry out the simulation and request it through the platforms' website. 
  • Banco Pan: The bank is only offering the loan to those who had already pre-registered.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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