
Auxílio Brasil: Can those who are denied apply for a payroll loan?


Families benefiting from Auxílio Brasil are already waiting for the program's payroll loans to be released. According to the government, currently 20.2 million families can receive the benefit.

The payroll loan modality was approved at the beginning of July for those enrolled in the program, but it was only in August that President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned the law that extends the loan to this group.

But even with the publication of the law and a decree establishing the rules for paying the installments, it is still not possible to request the program's consignment.

When will the Auxílio Brasil loan be released?

The Federal Government has not yet announced the specific date for the release of the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan. The Ministry of Citizenship expects the loan to be offered at some point at the beginning of this month.

Consigned credit will be available to the program's 20.2 million beneficiaries, including those who are formalized as MEI and also those who are negative.

Does the Auxílio Brasil loan already have a defined value?

Law No. 14,431 determines that Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries will be able to commit up to 40% of the benefit paid monthly to contract the consignee. The installments are deducted directly from the payroll, that is, up to R$ 160 per month can be deducted from the payment taking into account the value of R$ 400 of Auxílio Brasil.

The Government has not yet confirmed whether the beneficiary will be able to commit an even greater amount, as installments of R$ 600 are temporary and will be paid by Auxílio Brasil until December 31st of this year. It is still under discussion whether this temporary increase of R$ 200 will be maintained next year.

Auxílio Brasil's payroll loan rules also establish that beneficiaries can obtain more than one discount on the loan or financing, as long as the limit of 40% provided by law is not exceeded, observing the percentage commitment during contracting.

The Ministry of Economy forwarded on Wednesday (31) the budget project for 2023 with space for Brazil Aid of R$ 400. If re-elected, Bolsonaro promised to maintain the value of R$ 600, even though the increase is expected to end at the end of 2022. However, the President of the Executive does not clarify where the resources will come from for the costs of more than R$ 50 billion for the maintenance of the R$ 200.

Which banks are already offering payroll loans?

So far, no bank is offering the Auxílio Brasil loan, the institutions are waiting for the publication of the ordinance from the Ministry of Citizenship to start offering the loan to the program's beneficiaries.

By mid-August, 17 financial institutions had already been approved by the agency to offer the loan modality, including Banco PAN, Safra Financeira, Agibank and Caixa Econômica Federal, according to the Minister of Citizenship. 

Other banks such as Bradesco, Itaú/Unibanco, Santander, Nubank, Banco Inter, Sicoob and C6 Bank have already informed that they will not offer Auxílio Brasil payroll loans.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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