
Auxílio Brasil: irregular CPF can block the loan; See how to consult

The public of Auxílio Brasil and Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) can now contract the consignment released last week.


The public of Auxílio Brasil and Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC) can now contract the consignment released last week. Since October 10, the Ministry of Citizenship has authorized 14 financial institutions to offer this type of credit to around 25 million Brazilians.

At Caixa Econômica Federal alone, R$ 1.8 billion were released to more than 700 thousand beneficiaries of the program in three days of operation. Caixa offers payroll loans through the Caixa Tem App and also in person at branches, lottery outlets and Caixa Aqui correspondents.

The type of payroll-deductible credit is new to the public of the Government's social programs. The loan, previously only available to federal employees and Social Security beneficiaries, is now available to Auxílio Brasil families and BPC beneficiaries with an interest rate of up to 3.5% and a payment term of 24 months.

Can everyone take out the Auxílio Brasil loan?

The payroll loan was released to the 21.13 million Auxílio Brasil families and to approximately 4.7 million people who receive the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC). However, not all beneficiaries are eligible to take out the loan.

Caixa Econômica Federal requires that the beneficiary has received at least three installments of Auxílio Brasil (has been in the program for more than 90 days), has a consignable margin available and has no pending attendance at the Ministry of Citizenship's summons.

Caixa also does not release consigned credit to beneficiaries who have an end date for the benefit, that is, families under the program's Emancipation Rule, who have a deadline to stop receiving the benefit, cannot contract the consignment.

To be part of Auxílio Brasil, families must be registered in the Single Registry and have their data updated in the last 24 months (2 years), in addition to a monthly income per person of up to R$ 210. 

To become a beneficiary of the BPC, disabled people of any age or elderly people over 65 years of age must prove income per person not exceeding ¼ of the minimum wage (R$ 303.00).

Who cannot take out the Auxílio Brasil loan?

In addition to the basic requirements, finance companies may establish criteria that prevent the granting of the loan. At Caixa Econômica Federal, the loan will not be approved for beneficiaries who fall into the following situations:

  • Have a CPF with problems with the Federal Revenue Service;
  • Auxílio Brasil is already scheduled to end;
  • Have a warning of non-attendance to the summons made by the Ministry of Citizenship; 
  • Be receiving Brazil Aid for less than 90 days (you must have already received 3 installments of the benefit);
  • Not receiving the benefit through account credit.

How can I check the status of my CPF?

You can check your CPF status using the document number and date of birth on the Federal Revenue website – https://servicos.receita.fazenda.gov.br/Servicos/CPF/ConsultaSituacao/ConsultaPublica.asp.

After the search, the system informs you about the CPF registration status. If the search result is REGULAR, it means that the citizen has no pending issues to resolve with the document and the CPF status does not affect the loan application.

However, there are 4 other types of situations in which the document can find itself:

  • CPF pending regularization: means that the citizen did not submit an Income Tax Declaration; 
  • CPF blocked: means that the CPF contains incorrect or incomplete information; 
  • CPF with deceased holder: means that the date of death was reported in the CPF; 
  • CPF Canceled: The document will only be canceled in the case of duplication or due to a procedural decision.

To resolve the pending CPF regularization, the citizen needs to access the e-CAC portal to find out which income tax declaration needs to be completed. The portal is accessed through the federal government's single login – Gov.br. 

After checking the missing document, simply send the declaration via the e-CAC portal or the My Income Tax app. The CPF will be regularized as soon as the report is processed by the Federal Government.

How do I regularize a suspended CPF?

For those whose CPF is SUSPENDED, the procedure can be done directly on the Federal Revenue website. Just go to the website and fill in the correct details. If the system generates a protocol, the citizen must present the documents to the Federal Revenue Service. Documents can be submitted to the IRS in person or by email. 

After updating the CPF data, the citizen must send the following documents:

For people over 16 years old:

  • Identification document proving place of birth, parentage and date of birth (e.g. Identity Card). You can take a photo of the document and attach it to the email; 
  • CPF registration number; 
  • For Brazilians between 18 and 69 years old: Voter ID, Registration Protocol or any other document proving electoral registration or certificate from the Electoral Court attesting to the non-existence of mandatory electoral registration.

Minor under 16, ward, guardian or other person under judicial custody: 

  • Identification document of the minor, ward, ward or other person subject to judicial custody, which proves the birth, affiliation and date of birth (e.g. Identity Card, Birth Certificate);
  • Identification document of one of the parents, guardian, curator or person responsible for custody pursuant to a court decision;
  • Document proving custody, guardianship or responsibility for custody, as the case may be, of an incapacitated or prohibited CPF registration number.

Regularization request made by attorney:

  • Identification documents of the person, as per the items above, as applicable; 
  • Attorney's Identification Document; 
  • Document from the attorney proving registration with the CPF; 
  • Public power of attorney instrument, or private instrument with notarized signature – the public power of attorney instrument drawn up abroad or private instrument with notarized signature abroad must have its validity recognized by the Brazilian Consulate.

In the case of email assistance, a photo of the face (selfie) of the person concerned or responsible is also required with the identity document open (front and back), in which the photo and the document number must appear legibly. 

If the problem is that the CPF was not properly identified in the situation of deceased holders, it is necessary to schedule an in-person appointment with the Federal Revenue Service and bring your identification documents. The same in-person procedure must be followed in cases where the CPF is cancelled.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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