
Auxílio Brasil: How long does it take for the benefit to be approved?


More than 20.2 million Brazilians will receive an installment worth R$ 600 of Auxílio Brasil in September. The first payment of September is scheduled for the 19th, for beneficiaries with final NIS 1.

In August, the government announced the admission of 2.2 million new families. More than 7.1 million Brazilians have been approved to receive the monthly benefit since the program began in November 2021, according to the Ministry of Citizenship.

The government did not specify how long it will be possible to keep the program's waiting list at zero. However, the Minister of Citizenship, Ronaldo Vieira Bento, confirmed that everyone waiting in line for the program was included and that it is now possible to register new families for the coming months.

The information was released on August 15th on the program “A Voz do Brasil”, when the minister spoke about the program's waiting list and the anticipation of the Auxílio Brasil calendar. “We cleared the waiting list at the beginning of 2022, we cleared the queue again in August, and new registrations are now possible“, explained Bento.

New families will benefit

According to the minister, there is misinformation about enrolling in the program and it is important to highlight that the government continues to select beneficiaries to participate in the program. “Families can continue visiting the CadÚnico registration offices in their municipality, the Social Assistance Centers and continue updating or re-registering so that it is internalized by the technical team of the Ministry of Citizenship and benefits are granted to these families”, he explained. the minister.

The Minister of Citizenship also commented on the new version of the Cadastro Único App which, among other functions, allows the family to pre-register by providing some data via cell phone and then going to a CadÚnico office to complete the registration.

We intend to include new families, and we are identifying all these families, we have launched the Cadastro Único application where these families can pre-register through the application, which facilitates communication with the authorities and allows us to identify the location of these families and have a better search active“, concluded the minister.

Does registering with CadÚnico guarantee approval for Auxílio Brasil?

Similar to the old Bolsa Família program, the federal government's single registry continues to be the main gateway to social programs such as Auxílio Brasil. 

However, registration in the Single Registry is not sufficient to guarantee the benefit. After registering or updating the registry, family selection still depends on the program's budget, the number of beneficiary families in the municipality, and other criteria.

Is there a deadline to be approved for Auxílio Brasil?

The Ministry of Citizenship does not establish a deadline for admitting a family to Auxílio Brasil. Therefore, it is not possible to say how long it will take after registering with CadÚnico to be accepted into the program. 

On the other hand, the government checks the records of families already registered with Auxílio Brasil on a monthly basis before processing a new payroll. In this process, beneficiaries who no longer comply with the program's rules to continue receiving the benefit are removed and new families are admitted in their place.

Consultation with Brazil Aid

Without an estimate of how long it will take for the family to be included in the program, the only way for the Family Responsible to follow this procedure is to consult the Single Registry Application (CadÚnico) or the Auxílio Brasil application. 

In addition to simple and complete consultation and pre-registration and registration updating through confirmation, the Cadastro Único application also allows citizens to monitor the status of aid received by the family by accessing the “My Benefits” tab.

The Auxílio Brasil application allows you to find out whether the portion of the benefit is blocked or available for withdrawal and informs you about the status of the benefit and the payment of other aid such as Vale Gás.

Common questions

Can I receive Auxílio Brasil just by signing up for CadÚnico?

Registration in the Single Registry is not sufficient to guarantee the benefit. After registering or updating the registry, family selection still depends on the program's budget, the number of beneficiary families in the municipality, and other criteria.

How soon can I be approved for Auxílio Brasil?

It is not possible to say how long it will take after registering with CadÚnico to be accepted into the program. 

How can I check the status of Auxílio Brasil?

It is possible to check the situation through the Single Registry Application (CadÚnico) or through the Auxílio Brasil application.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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