
Auxílio Brasil: September schedule brought forward?


Caixa Econômica Federal ended the transfers of R$ 600 from Auxílio Brasil in August. The August payroll was brought forward, and payments began on August 9, 10 days ahead of schedule for the 20.2 million families that signed up for the program. The original Auxílio Brasil calendar predicted that payments would only begin on August 18th.

The announcement of the anticipation of the Auxílio Brasil calendar came at the end of July, when the federal government published normative decree nº 18 in the Diário da União. The idea of bringing forward the payment of the benefit with the increase of R$ 200 was also linked to the hope of that the new value would help increase President Jair Bolsonaro's popularity during the electoral polls.

Now, after the end of the August calendar, families are wondering whether the benefit will also be brought forward to September.

Brazil Aid Situation in September

The situation worries families who receive Auxílio Brasil because beneficiaries have never spent so long without benefiting from the program. Because if the Citizenship Secretariat decides not to advance the September schedule, the time between installments will be much longer than beneficiaries are already used to.

An example, for families that are registered with the latest NIS number 1, the August installment of R$ 600 was paid on the 9th, and following the current September calendar, payment for this group would only be made on September 19th, an interval of 41 days between the two deposits.

Government authorities have not yet commented on the timing of the next installment of Auxílio Brasil and, as such, families are still hoping to receive the R$ 600 in advance in September.

Behind the scenes, the government is already thinking about bringing forward the September calendar, a crucial month for the intentions of President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), as it would be the last payment of Auxílio Brasil before the 1st round of elections, scheduled for October 2nd. 

Registration for Auxílio Brasil is made through CadÚnico

The waiting list for the Auxílio Brasil program was cleared, with the admission of 2.2 million new families.

The campaign reached 20.2 million people benefiting from the program, a record number of families supported by federal income transfer programs. However, it is possible that this queue will not remain empty for long, as every month new families look for city halls and CadÚnico sectors to register for the program.

According to the government, the admission of new beneficiaries depends on the number of families served in each community and the program's available budget. Every month, after analysis by the Citizenship Secretariat, families are removed from the program's eligible base and new beneficiaries are added. 

Selection into the Auxílio Brasil program is done automatically through the Citizen Card, based on the Cadastro Único database. Therefore, to register for Auxílio Brasil, the family must have their registration updated in CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) and the monthly income per defined person cannot exceed the value of R$ 210.

Auxílio Brasil September schedule

So far, the September schedule follows the official schedule that was released by the Citizenship Secretariat at the beginning of the year. In the month of September, transfers worth R$ 600 will occur between the 19th and 30th.

Final NIS number2nd installment
1September 19
2September 20
3September 21st
4September 22
5September 23th
6September 26th
7September 27th
8September 28
9September 29th
0September 30th

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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