
Auxílio Brasil: TCU MP asks for the suspension of the payroll loan

After the Federal Government approved the consignment modality for Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries, the Public Ministry together with the TCU filed a request in court to suspend the consignment grant.


After the Federal Government approved the consignment modality for Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries, the Public Ministry together with the TCU (Federal Audit Court) attorneys filed a request with the Court to suspend the granting of the consignment by Caixa Econômica Federal.

The request was presented by deputy attorney Lucas Furtado, in which he claimed that the loan offer had signs of misuse of purpose and that the ultimate objective was merely electoral. According to the request, there is a risk of loss for Caixa and public funds.

The prosecutor's request is that:

precautionary measure be adopted that determines that Caixa Econômica Federal, without prejudice to any legal and illicit agreements, refrains from granting new loans to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil until this Court of Auditors makes a final decision on the matter”.

Therefore, Furtado also asks the Court of Auditors to take measures to review Caixa Econômica Federal's procedures for granting loans granted to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil, in order to prevent its use for purely electoral purposes and to the detriment of the purposes related to the bank, relating to the protection of national security or the fulfillment of relevant collective interests.

Consignment rules have already been defined by the Ministry of Citizenship

On October 10, the Ministry of Citizenship presented the rules so that banks capable of providing payroll loans to beneficiaries of Auxílio Brasil and BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit) can follow. 

According to the rules, the interest rate cannot exceed 3.5% per month, the withdrawal limit is up to 40% of the Auxílio Brasil value, taking into account the R$ 400, and the maximum installment is up to 24 installments.

Therefore, the installment should be up to R$ 160 per month, leaving R$ 240 for the family budget. 

A total of 12 banks and financial institutions were authorized to offer payroll loans to beneficiaries. However, some banks have indicated that they should not proceed with the operation or that they are evaluating how the modalities will be offered.

Caixa Econômica has already announced the payroll offer

Caixa announced the release of payroll loans one day after release by the Government. Beneficiaries were able to request loan amounts as early as Tuesday (November 11). 

Bank interest is 3.45% per month, with a minimum installment of R$ 15.00 in up to 24 installments.

The contract can be made through the Caixa Tem App and the discount will be made directly on the payroll, where the remaining amount will be passed on to the beneficiary on the day of payment of Auxílio Brasil following the final NIS number.

Experts do not approve the Auxílio Brasil loan

Since the measure was approved by President Jair Bolsonaro in August this year, the payroll loan offer has been criticized by experts and entities. According to them, the measure could present risks for the population, as the program's resources are mainly used for basic survival expenses.

Auxílio Brasil's payroll loan can be useful for those who need the money urgently, but not for paying everyday bills.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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