
Pic Pay will no longer operate Auxílio Brasil payroll loans

The institution declared in a statement to Canal Consulta Pública that it will not offer the Auxílio Brasil consignment.


Although Pic Pay in its application gave Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries the option of pre-registering and being included in the “VIP list”, the institution declared in a statement to Canal Consulta Pública that it will not offer the Auxílio Brasil consignment.

Pic Pay's decision on payroll loans

The decision was taken after the publication of the new credit line ordinance on Wednesday, September 27th. However, Pic Pay stated that it is always looking for new services and products to offer its customers. However, it will not carry out operations with the program's consignment.

See what Pic Pay said in a note sent to Canal Consulta Pública:

“Pic Pay states that it is always evaluating new product and service offers in order to provide the best experience for its users, but at the moment it does not offer the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan on the platform” 

So Pic Pay removed the waiting list option from its app. Therefore, beneficiaries who would contract the Auxílio Brasil loan via Pic Pay must look for other financial institutions to contract the credit.

Banks that will offer the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan

Caixa Econômica Federal said it is analyzing the regulations and will soon publish the terms for contracting payroll loans and a possible offer at Caixa Tem.

This made Caixa one of the few institutions that has so far agreed to make the Auxílio Brasil loan available. However, beneficiaries will have to wait, as Caixa is still in the approval phase with the Ministry of Citizenship.

Furthermore, Facta Financeira, which has around 210 stores across the country, also confirmed that it will offer the credit modality. Therefore, the company allows users to simulate the loan on the website, entering personal information such as name, CPF and amount received through the program. This way, they can take out credit, a procedure that is carried out online.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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