
Will Auxílio Brasil have an additional R$ 200 in October? Understand the value

The additional R$ 200 is already part of Auxílio Brasil. The additional amount is known as Urban or Rural Productivity Inclusion Aid.


Caixa Econômica Federal has already released the Auxílio Brasil schedule in October. In addition to the dates for deposits, families benefiting from the program already want to know what the amount of the installment paid will be in the month of October.

Last month, with the first round of the 2022 elections approaching, the value of Auxílio Brasil became one of the main campaign issues for presidential candidates. In addition to promising to maintain the benefit of R$ 600 for 2023, the current President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, who is seeking re-election, started promising an additional R$ 200 for some of the beneficiaries.

If the increase in the average Vale-Gás ticket to R$ 110 and the temporary adjustment of R$ 600 of the benefit, which ends in December, was seen by Bolsonaro's campaign as a strategy to increase the president's popularity, the announcement is a new value radio and television advertising also did not go unnoticed.

It turns out that the additional R$ 200 is nothing new and is already part of the composition of Auxílio Brasil. The additional amount, known as Urban or Rural Productivity Inclusion Aid, is paid to beneficiaries who enter a job with a formal contract.

The more than 20 million Brazilians who receive the minimum of R$ 600 in Auxílio Brasil will receive an additional R$ 200 if they start working. It will be an additional R$ 200 plus the salary for work“, said Bolsonaro in electoral propaganda.

Will the additional R$ 200 of Auxílio Brasil be paid in October?

Even with the disclosure of the supposed new amount, the current government did not specify when the additional installment would be paid. Even though it was provided for in the legislation, eligible families were still not receiving this amount throughout 2022.

According to information from the newspaper O Globo, the government team is already working to release the additional payment of R$ 200 in October. The idea is to increase the average ticket, which would go from R$ 600 to R$ 800, before a possible second round of the presidential elections.

According to the newspaper, technicians from the Ministry of Citizenship indicated that there are between 20 thousand and 30 thousand families that could receive Auxílio Brasil in the amount of R$ 800. This public is made up of beneficiaries who in recent months have entered formal employment (with a formal contract ) or became MEI (Individual Microentrepreneur).

Value of R$ 600 is already guaranteed for October

Even without the definition that the government pays the R$ 200 of the Productive Inclusion Aid, it is only possible to guarantee that beneficiaries will receive the new minimum amount of R$ 600 in the month of October.

For the 5.68 million families entitled to Vale-Gás, with the sum of the two benefits, the value can reach R$ 710 per family. 

The deposit of R$ 600 will begin on October 18th, if the regular Auxílio Brasil schedule is maintained and the government does not anticipate it.

Registration through CadÚnico

It is worth remembering that registration for Auxílio Brasil is only done through CadÚnico, which is administered by the city halls of each city. When sending the data, Dataprev analyzes the information and releases the Auxílio Brasil installments.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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