
Auxílio Brasil: Check the dates for the month of July


Auxílio Brasil is a social assistance program, the largest in the country, which serves low-income families throughout Brazil.

Then, the federal government makes monthly payments to beneficiary families so that they have access to the fundamental rights of all citizens.

In this way, the program aims to ensure that families not only have access to the amounts paid monthly, but also that they achieve emancipation over time.

Who is entitled to Brazil Aid?

Auxílio Brasil was founded to help Brazilian families in situations of poverty or extreme poverty. Therefore, to receive the benefit, the family must fall into one of the income ranges established by the federal government. See the values below:

  • Families in extreme poverty (per capita monthly income of up to R$ 105.00)
  • Families in poverty (per capita monthly income of up to R$ 210.00)

In addition, the family must also register with the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and keep their data updated. CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) is the platform used by the federal government to identify and monitor low-income families in the country.

What are the benefit values?

Currently the base of Auxílio Brasil is R$ 400, that is, this is the lowest amount that any family can receive from the benefit.

However, the amount can increase significantly depending on family composition and other factors defined in the program's policies.

Check the payment schedule below:

Benefit payments for the month of July begin on the 18th. Then, see the complete payment schedule, defined by the last digit of the Social Identification Number (NIS):

  • July 18th – NIS with ending 1
  • July 19th – NIS with ending 2
  • July 20th – NIS with ending 3
  • July 21st – NIS with ending 4
  • July 22nd – NIS with ending 5
  • July 25th – NIS with ending 6
  • July 26th – NIS with ending 7
  • July 27th – NIS with ending 8
  • July 28th – NIS with ending 9
  • July 29th – NIS with ending 0

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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