
Auxílio Brasil: Lula government studies important changes for 2023

With just a few days left before the end of the year and with the payment of the last installment in progress, families benefiting from Auxílio Brasil want to know what the future of the program will be from January 2023.


With just a few days left before the end of the year and with the payment of the last installment in progress, families benefiting from Auxílio Brasil want to know what the future of the program will be from January 2023.

With the election of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, graduated as the next President of the Republic last Monday (12), the elected government team is analyzing some changes to the social program next year.

Auxílio Brasil should be renamed Bolsa Família and negotiations to continue with the value of R$ 600 in 2023 are already in the final phase, with only approval from the Chamber of Deputies remaining.

But the changes don't stop there. Since October, the team working on the transition between governments has already indicated that changes to the Bolsa Família registration and the way in which the benefit is received may occur. See in this post what is known so far about Auxílio Brasil 2023.

Debit card for all program beneficiaries

According to information from the Uol portal, Lula's team is evaluating distributing debit cards to all families registered with Auxílio Brasil. The idea is to facilitate access to the benefit for low-income families who do not know how to use Caixa Tem or do not have an internet connection to access the social savings application.

The new Auxílio Brasil card allows families to use their balance to pay for purchases using the debit function, without having to withdraw cash or transfer it to another account.

According to Marcia Kumer, a retired Caixa employee who worked on preparing the report, the debit card simplifies receipt. “The money goes to the citizen's account, which can operate without internet or telephone“, he states.

The Auxílio Brasil card received a new version with a chip from July. The new feature was the possibility of making purchases using the debit function with the benefit balance, since until then the old Bolsa Família card only allowed funds to be withdrawn at self-service terminals, lottery outlets and Caixa Aqui correspondents.

However, the Bolsonaro government managed to distribute only 8.5 million units of the new card, that is, around 12.5 million continue to receive it through the app or with the old version of the card.

If it chooses to cover all of this remaining public, the Lula government will need to pay around R$ 178 million to produce the cards. According to Caixa, each unit of the Auxílio Brasil Card costs R$ 14.24.

If the elected government decides to remove cards with the Auxílio Brasil brand from circulation, and replace them with new Bolsa Família cards, an additional R$ 121 million would be needed to cover the expense.

Review of Auxílio Brasil registrations

Another point that was raised by Lula's team is the need to carry out a complete check of the Auxílio Brasil database. The new fine-tooth comb should take place in the first months of 2023 to identify possible fraud in receiving the benefit.

The need to review the records arose after the transition team received a report from the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) warning about the “fractionation of family nuclei” that could be linked to fraud in order to receive a greater number of benefits than families would be suitable.

Between November 2021 and October 2022, the number of single-person families jumped from 8,929,623 to 13,912,102, almost 5 million in less than a year. The case began to be investigated by the current government in September, summoning beneficiaries with outdated data in Cadúnico for the registration investigation procedure.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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