
Auxílio Brasil: Block list published; How to Regularize

The government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is working on the possibility of carrying out a fine-tooth comb in the Auxílio Brasil program.


The government of President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) is working on the possibility of carrying out a major fine-tooth comb in the Auxílio Brasil program. The general idea is to try to understand who are the people who really fit the project's rules, and who would be earning the money irregularly.

Data from the current Ministry of Citizenship indicate that more than 21 million people are eligible to receive Auxílio Brasil. This is a record in the history of the young program. The number of people served grew dramatically, especially between the months of August and October of this year 2022.

There is a suspicion among Lula's team that this increase happened superficially, that is, people who could not receive the balance managed to enter the social program. At the same time, citizens who really need the money would be left out of the project and would not have been selected until now.

The conditions

One point that should be better analyzed is the state of the conditions. Officially, Auxílio Brasil follows the rules of the old Bolsa Família. For the family to continue receiving the money, they need to pay attention to a series of points, such as keeping their children at school and even updating their vaccination record.

In any case, although the current government has followed this guideline, there is criticism that these rules have been relaxed. In the case of vaccination against Covid-19, for example, the Ministry of Health and Citizenship made it clear that no family will lose an advantage by not choosing to vaccinate their children against the virus.

TCU Analysis

Last week, a report from the Federal Audit Court (TCU) pointed out that the current government had “mismanaged” the money allocated to social programs such as emergency aid and aid to Brazil in recent years.

“Some of the conclusions that the auditors are finalizing is that Auxílio Brasil encouraged the division of family groups to obtain resources in greater volume, which harms families that cannot be separated numerically, such as a mother with two or three small children,” said the interim president of TCU, Bruno Dantas.

“Bolsa Família is the program that most effectively achieves the objective of combating poverty and reducing social inequality. In this report, we present conclusions that show that with fewer resources, Bolsa Família is capable of reducing

poverty at a higher percentage than any other program”, concluded the interim president when passing the message to vice-president-elect Gerald Alckmin (PSB).

New Rules for Entry into the Auxílio Brasil Program

One of the points that the elected government should not change is the issue of rules for entry into the social program. Today, to participate in the project, you must have an active and updated CadÚnico account, in addition to respecting the per capita income limits.

The natural tendency is to maintain these points also because these rules have been in force since the old Bolsa Família. Therefore, it is likely that the new government will continue to use CadÚnico to choose names for future social programs.

To be part of CadÚnico, citizens must contact the city hall. City halls are responsible for the program selection process.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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