
Auxílio Brasil: November installment will have lower value for group of beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil program who took out a loan from Caixa Econômica Federal are already receiving their first rebates on the November payroll.


Beneficiaries of the Auxílio Brasil program who took out the loan from Caixa Econômica Federal before the suspension decreed by the institution are already receiving the first rebates on the November payroll.

The discount was supposed to take place in December, but it was already included in the benefits from November 17th, according to the statement obtained on the Caixa Tem App.

Many people took to social media to complain about what happened and not having received the formal contract that contains all the transaction information and the dates on which the discount would take place.

The Auxílio Brasil loan

The assigned credit was sanctioned by Law No. 14,431, of August 4, by President Jair Bolsonaro (PL). In addition to Caixa, other financial institutions can also provide the loan. However, Caixa started offering the Auxílio Brasil loan on October 11 of this year. 

On the first day alone, there were more than 30 thousand credit contracts, of which R$ 75 million were loaned by Caixa Econômica.

After suspending the release of new loans to this public at the beginning of November, Caixa resumed payroll loans on November 14th. The announcement was made by the president of the state-owned company, Daniella Marques, on the 9th, Wednesday. She also said that the loan could be beneficial to the public: “A large part of the credit taken by this public is to pay higher cost debts“, said the president.

Consignment rules established by Caixa

The credit will be deducted from the same benefit account, using up to 40% of the total value of Brazil aid, considering the R$ 400 paid by the government and not the temporary value of R$ 600, which runs until December 2022. 

Payments are made in up to 24 installments, with a minimum installment of R$ 15. The interest rate offered by Caixa is 3.45% per month (maximum rate of 3.5% imposed by the government).

The person responsible for the family who has received the benefit for more than 90 days can take out the loan, without failing to attend any call made by the Ministry of Citizenship.

Caixa's position on advance discounts

Caixa responded that “In the operation of the Consigned Auxílio, the Ministry of Citizenship, responsible for paying the benefit, retains the value of the installment in advance and then transfers the amounts to Caixa“. 

The bank added that “In relation to the specific case (of beneficiary Mônica Lima), the date of 12/07/2022 communicated at the time of signing the contract refers to the deadline for transferring resources from the Ministry to Caixa or to the client to be paid in installments if it was not possible to discount the service“.

Caixa also informed that, when customers request the loan, they receive a receipt with the financial details of the operation and instructions on how to provide the general clauses of the contract.

The institution clarified that “More information can be found on the Consignado Auxílio page on the Caixa website“.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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