
Auxílio Brasil ends this week; What will it be like in 2023?

The week of December 19th to 23rd will be marked by the end of Auxílio Brasil. Five groups will still receive the last installment of R$ 600 of the Aid instituted by Jair Bolsonaro's government.


The week of December 19th to 23rd will be marked by the end of Auxílio Brasil. Five groups will still receive the last installment of R$ 600 of the Aid instituted by Jair Bolsonaro's government. Starting in January, the new government will bring back Bolsa Família, a program created during Lula's administration.

Before Christmas, Caixa Econômica Federal will release benefits of R$ 600 plus the R$ 112 portion of Gas Aid to Brazilians for beneficiaries with final NIS 6 and 0.

The last installment of 2022 began deposits into a savings account on December 12th, Monday, for beneficiaries with final NIS 1. In the December payroll, 67 thousand new families were considered approved to receive the Aid, increasing the group for a total of 21.6 million families served.

In December, Vale-Gás includes 5.95 million people enrolled in Auxílio Brasil with an average value of R$ 112. Thus, this group of beneficiaries receives an average value of R$ 712 in December.

Last groups to receive Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás in 2022

See below the dates for the last payment of Auxílio Brasil and Vale-Gás in December:

PaydayNIS Final
December 196
December 207
December 218
December 229
December 230

The Ministry of Citizenship made detailed disclosure of beneficiaries by municipality. The region with the largest number of beneficiary families continues to be the Northeast with 9.9 million beneficiaries.

The Southeast comes in second place with 6.46 million, followed by the North region (2.62 million), the South region (1.46 million) and the Central-West region (1.15 million).

Deposit of values

Caixa informs that the Auxílio Brasil deposit begins in the early hours of the day. By 9 am the beneficiary has the funds deposited in the account.

Through Caixa Tem, money can be transferred to pay bills, transfers, payments via Pix and other resources. Beneficiaries who choose to withdraw amounts in cash can withdraw Auxílio Brasil at lottery outlets, through Caixa branches and Caixa Aqui correspondents.

Does Bolsa Família already have a value and calendar for 2023?

The week before Christmas will be decisive for the future of Auxílio Brasil in the year 2023. The Chamber of Deputies must vote on the 20th, Tuesday, on the PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution) that guarantees the value of the benefit at R$ 600 in next year.

Already approved by the Senate, the PEC reached the Chamber on December 12th and is still under analysis by deputies. The text removes Bolsa Família expenses worth R$ 600 from the spending ceiling for 2 years. The estimated value of expenditure is R$ 145 billion.

If the approval of the PEC does not happen in two rounds in 2022, the elected government will not have the budget to maintain the benefit at R$ 600 and the value must return to R$ 400 per family.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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