
Will Auxílio Brasil pay the 13th in December?

After several promises from current president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), many are wondering when the 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil will be paid.


After several promises from current president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), many are wondering when the 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil will be paid. And now, at the end of the year, the doubt is even more recurring.

Will the 13th of the Auxílio Brasil be paid?

At the beginning of his term as president, Jair Bolsonaro changed the name of the Bolsa Família program to Auxílio Brasil. And during the same period, the president promised the payment of a 13th of Auxílio Brasil. However, the promise never came to fruition.

With this idea in mind, Senator Alexandre Silveira (PSD) in the Federal Senate drafted Law (PL) No. 625/2022. The objective was just one: to complete the payment of the 13th installment of Auxílio Brasil.

According to the senator, President Jair Bolsonaro “promised the payment of an extra amount, called the 13th, to beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família program. And so it was done. Now, with the new benefit, we need to renew this desire“.

Bolsonaro's promise for his re-election

Even after failing to fulfill what was promised at the beginning of the year, Jair Bolsonaro announced the payment of the 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil, only for female heads of households at the beginning of 2023.

In October, shortly after the 1st round of elections, Bolsonaro said he would pay the 13th salary of Auxílio Brasil for female heads of families in 2023. The promise was one of the president's strategies to alleviate his disapproval in trying to defeat his opponent Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in the second round. However, Bolsonaro was defeated by Lula.

Will Lula pay the 13th benefit?

Lula did not mention any information about paying a 13th installment of the program. The new government's transition team is currently studying ways to maintain the R$ 600 benefit in 2023.

This is because the amount is not foreseen in the 2023 Budget created by the Bolsonaro government. And for this reason, Lula's team created a Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC), and sent it to Congress. The objective is to remove Auxílio Brasil from the spending ceiling, thus guaranteeing payment.

Value of the 13th benefit

According to the Auxílio Brasil 13th salary project, financial benefits are paid monthly by the payer, plus 50% in June and 50% in December.

In this sense, the beneficiary of Auxílio Brasil should receive an extra installment in the amount of R$ 600, considering that the payment in June did not happen. However, as the project did not go ahead, payment should not happen.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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