
Auxílio Brasil: See the dates of the first calendar of 2023

Currently, more than 21 million families are registered in the Auxílio Brasil program and this public can now view the payment dates for the month of January.


Currently, more than 21 million families are registered in the Auxílio Brasil program and this public can now view the payment dates for the month of January. The first installment in 2023 must be deposited from the 18th for those registered with final NIS 1.

With the transition between governments, income transfer programs will undergo some changes, but some things must remain the same. An example is the Auxílio Brasil calendar for 2023, which has already been defined and will follow the pattern of previous years, with payments in the last 10 working days.

The form for registration must remain the same, with the selection of families through the Single Registry (CadÚnico), the Federal Government's main database.

Dates of the first Auxílio Brasil calendar in 2023

According to the Auxílio Brasil calendar for 2023 sent by the government to city halls, the first installment will be paid from January 18th to beneficiaries with final NIS 1.

The payment dynamics were inherited from Bolsa Família, and for this reason, even if the program returns with its old name, the payment schedule must remain the same.

See the scheduled dates for Auxílio Brasil/Bolsa Família in January 2023:

  • January 18th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 1;
  • January 19th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 2;
  • January 20th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 3;
  • January 23rd – deposit for registrants with final NIS 4;
  • January 24th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 5;
  • January 25th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 6;
  • January 26th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 7;
  • January 27th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 8;
  • January 30th – deposit for registrants with final NIS 9;
  • January 31st – deposit for registrants with final NIS 0;

As it currently works, the beneficiary has 120 days (4 months) from the date of deposit into the account to withdraw the funds. Amounts can be transferred with the Auxílio Brasil card or on the Caixa Tem app, for payments, transfers, transactions via Pix and withdrawals without a card.

Consult the benefit using the CPF

Families who are already accustomed to using the Auxílio Brasil application to consult calendars, amounts, and benefit statements will be able to continue using the tool without any problems.

Consultation of Auxílio Brasil by CPF should be made available in the first week of January, when Caixa Econômica processes the discount on payroll loans and Dataprev releases the payroll with all those approved to receive.

The consultation is available on the Auxílio Brasil App and to find out if you have been approved, simply enter your CPF and password. In addition to the result, the program application also informs you what the value of the next installment will be and the date on which the money will be deposited into the account.

Another way to check the next Auxílio Brasil payment is by accessing the Caixa Tem App. The platform on which the benefit is deposited into a digital savings account provides information about the dates and value of the installments. The Caixa Tem application also offers the contracting of an Auxílio Brasil payroll loan.

Changes to Brazil Aid in 2023

In addition to the name, beneficiaries can expect a change in the value of the benefit from 2023. Still undefined, the portion may increase to R$ 750 under the Lula government, but it is not yet certain when the increase will happen.

An important decision on the program should be announced this Tuesday, the 20th. The Chamber of Deputies should hold a meeting to vote on the Transition PEC, also called Bolsa Família PEC, which removes program expenses from the spending ceiling for next 2 years.

If the proposal is approved, the Lula government will be able to maintain the average value of the benefit at R$ 600 and create the additional R$ 150 for children aged 0 to 6 years, which was promised by the PT member during the presidential campaign.

Another expected change is a fine-tooth comb in the registration of families registered with Auxílio Brasil from 2023. At the end of 2022, the program began to analyze possible fraud related to single-person families (families formed by a single person), and the receipt of the benefit.

The Bolsonaro government sent a request to the transition team to remove 2.5 million families irregularly registered on the Auxílio Brasil payroll. New information should be released from January 1st, when the change of governments is made official.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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