
Auxílio Brasil: See the payment schedule for December

Caixa Econômica Federal began payments on the last shipment of Auxílio Brasil on Monday, December 12th in 2022.


Caixa Econômica Federal began payments for the last remittance of Auxílio Brasil in 2022 on December 12th, Monday. After bringing forward the schedule, deposits in November began on the 12th for the group of people registered with the NIS end 1.

Deposits for the income transfer program that replaced Bolsa Família are always made in the second fortnight of each month. The Auxílio Brasil program integrates social assistance, health, education and employment policies, guaranteeing a basic income for people who need it most and consists of 9 benefits.

For 2023, Auxílio Brasil will be renamed Bolsa Família after the new Lula government begins to manage the country, as the president himself said. However, to keep the amount at R$ 600, the new government sent Congress a new PEC of R$ 175 billion, with an extra amount of R$ 150 per child promised by Lula.

The first payment of December was made on Monday, 12th, for beneficiaries with final NIS 1. Caixa will release four more installments this week, see the schedule:

  • December 12th – deposit for beneficiaries with final NIS 1;
  • December 13th – deposit for beneficiaries with final NIS 2;
  • December 14th – deposit for beneficiaries with final NIS 3;
  • December 15th – deposit for beneficiaries with final NIS 4;
  • December 16th – deposit for beneficiaries with final NIS 5;

Payments are always made following the last NIS number (Social Registration Number). The cards and passwords of new beneficiaries who were approved in August were sent by Caixa Econômica to the addresses registered in the Single Registry.

The government also announced that there will still be a transition period for families benefiting from Auxílio Brasil whose monthly per capita family income increases by up to two and a half times the poverty line (R$ 210), a requirement to receive it, they will be able to continue in the program for plus 24 months – 2 years.

Brazil Aid Calendar in December

Caixa Econômica will make Auxílio Brasil payments on the dates already defined. See the dates on the December calendar – those who receive it on Mondays will have an advance payment for Saturdays.

PaydayNIS Final
December 12th1
December 132
December 14th3
December 15th4
December 165
December 196
December 207
December 218
December 229
December 230

Every month, the Ministry of Citizenship carries out a fine-tooth comb process to include or exclude beneficiaries, according to data from CadÚnico.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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