
Auxílio Brasil: See the payment schedule for September


The payment of Auxílio Brasil in September raised some doubts among the program's beneficiaries. 

Many want to know if the calendar will be brought forward, as happened in August, and they also want to know the value of the installments.

Who can receive Auxílio Brasil?

People who:

  • Are registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico);
  • Be part of families in poverty (income from R$ 105.01 to R$ 200) or extreme poverty (income from R$ 105), as well as families that have a BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit) beneficiary;
  • It is also necessary that the family nucleus has: pregnant women; breastfeeding mothers; children; teenagers or young people under the age of 21.

What is the value of Auxílio Brasil in September?

The value of Auxílio Brasil for September is R$ 600. The new value is expected until the end of 2022. In January 2023, the installments return to the initial R$ 400.

In August, along with the Auxílio Brasil installment, beneficiaries received the Gas Voucher of R$ 110, which is paid every 2 months.

Thus, the value of the August installment was R$ 710 in total, adding the two benefits. The next Vale-Gás payments only return in October.

September schedule

So far, the September schedule follows the official schedule that was released by the Citizenship Secretariat at the beginning of the year. In the month of September, transfers worth R$ 600 will occur between the 19th and 30th.

Final NIS numberPayment date
1September 19
2September 20
3September 21st
4September 22
5September 23th
6September 26th
7September 27th
8September 28
9September 29th
0September 30th

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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