
Truck Driver Assistance: Registration is extended until October 10th

The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, once again extended the deadline for admission to Truck Driver Assistance.


The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, once again extended the deadline for admission to Truck Driver Assistance. Now, anyone who submits a self-declaration for the self-employed registration period by October 10 will receive the three retroactive installments of R$ 1,000.00 each, the ministry said.

The deadline for submitting the self-declaration was scheduled for September 12th and was extended for the second time with 154,621 new requests. Despite this, the total number of beneficiaries is below government expectations. Truck Driver Assistance would benefit 900,000 drivers, but so far, only 484,000 are receiving the benefit.

If these new registrations meet the required criteria, they will receive the first two installments of the benefit for the months of July and August and the installment for the month of September, thus paying a total of R$ 3,000.00.

To ensure that as many drivers as possible have access to the benefit, the government has now extended the deadline for completing the form to October 10th for those who were unable to submit their self-declaration by that date. This way, truck drivers will still be able to receive Truck Driver Assistance.

Self-declaration of Truck Driver Assistance

Of the 154 thousand recently registered, the Southeast Region had the highest number of self-declarations made in Auxílio Caminhoneiro, with 85,238 registered professionals (55.13% of the total).

The South Region is second with 29,617 new registrations (19,15%). In third place is the Northeast region with 22,132 registered truck drivers (14,31%) and lastly the Central-West region with more than 12,505 registered truck drivers (8,09%).

For those who still have to present a self-declaration for Truck Driver Assistance, they must access the MTE website. Workers have until 6pm on October 10th, and if the criteria are within the required criteria, working professionals can receive all installments of the Truck Driver Benefit (TAC).

The truck driver must declare that he meets the necessary legal requirements and that he can regularly carry out road transport. It is also mandatory to notify the National Vehicle Registry (Renavam) of vehicles registered with ANTT (National Land Transport Agency).

It is important to remember that, to receive the benefit, the number of vehicles that the truck driver owns is not considered and proof of use of the amount to fuel the vehicle will not be required.

Who is entitled to receive Truck Driver Assistance?

To receive Truck Driver Assistance, the professional must be registered in an “active” status in the RNTR-C (National Registry of Road Cargo Transporters) from ANTT, but who have not had a record of road cargo transport operations this year.

The worker must also have a valid CPF and driver's license.

Where are installments deposited?

Payment of the benefit is made to a digital savings account automatically opened by Caixa Econômica Federal in the name of the beneficiary and transactions can be carried out using the Caixa Tem application.

The total installments and the amount to be paid may be adjusted depending on the number of registered beneficiaries, in which the global limit available to make benefit payments will be respected, according to the Constitutional Amendment.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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