
Will aid of R$ 1,200 for single mothers be paid in December? Understand

Another end of the year approaches and single mothers' hopes of obtaining permanent emergency aid of R$ 1,200 diminish.


Another end of the year approaches and single mothers' hopes of obtaining permanent emergency aid of R$ 1,200 diminish. The bill presented in April 2020 by deputy Assis Carvalho (PT-PI) did not have priority because this group was receiving double the quota (R$ 1,200) of Emergency Aid at the time.

Thus, in November of the same year, the text of Project 2099/20 reached the first Commission for the Defense of Women's Rights. The opinion of the rapporteur, deputy Erika Kokay (PT-DF), was only published in May 2021, indicating that the proposal would be processed slowly.

Since then, the Permanent Aid law worth R$ 1,200 received a favorable opinion from the CSSF (Social Security and Family Commission) in August this year. Led by deputy André Janones (AVANTE-MG), the project was considered “opportune given the collapse in which the poorest population in our country lives”.

To move forward, the proposal still needs to receive an opinion from two Chamber committees, the CFT (Finance and Taxation Committee) and the CCJC (Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Committee). Therefore, there is no expectation that the aid of R$ 1,200 will be paid in 2022.

Who can receive R$ 1,200 assistance?

The text of the law establishes that female heads of families without a spouse or partner and with at least one person under the age of 18 can receive the benefit if they have a family income per person of up to half a minimum wage (R$ 550) or a total monthly family income of up to three minimum wages (R$ 3,300).

To receive permanent assistance worth R$ 1,200, a single mother must meet the following criteria:

  • Be over 18 (eighteen) years old; 
  • Do not have active formal employment; 
  • Is not a beneficiary of Social Security or Social Assistance benefits or a beneficiary of unemployment insurance or government income transfer program, except as provided in §§ 1 and 2 of Bolsa Família; 
  • Whose per capita monthly family income is up to half a minimum wage (R$ 550) or total monthly family income of up to three minimum wages (R$ 3,300); 
  • Be registered in the CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) for Government Social Programs; 

And let it be: 

  • Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI); 
  • Individual contributor to the General Social Security Regime who contributes in accordance with the caput or item I of § 2 of art. 21 of Law No. 8,212, of July 24, 1991;
  • Or informal worker, employed, self-employed or unemployed, of any nature, including intermittent inactive.

The project also provides that, in cases where receiving permanent aid is more advantageous than paying Bolsa Família, one of the benefits will be temporarily suspended while the other is received.

In October 2021, after the end of Emergency Aid, female heads of households received a simple quota from Auxílio Brasil, a program created to replace Bolsa Família. 

Thus, the value of the benefit went from the R$ 375 paid for Emergency Aid 2021 to the minimum of R$ 400 paid in 2022. Later, when the government granted the temporary additional R$ 200, the average ticket for families in the Auxílio Brasil program rose to the value of R$ 600.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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