
Emergency aid 2022: CadÚnico releases payment of up to R$3 MIL in August


The 2022 emergency aid is still available for payment to beneficiaries who have not yet redeemed the amount.

Installments can vary between R$ 600 and R$ 3,000 depending on the number of installments not yet redeemed.

Who can receive Emergency Aid 2022 

The so-called retrospective emergency aid is the emergency aid that should have been deposited for single-parent families who were enrolled in CadÚnico only last year.

See what criteria are necessary to obtain emergency aid in 2022: 

Family registered with Bolsa Família 2020; 

Have an updated registration with CadÚnico; 

Head of family must be unemployed; 

Have a monthly income of up to half a minimum wage per person (R$ 606) or up to three minimum wages for the entire family (R$ 3,636); 

does not have a spouse or partner and; 

Do you have at least one person in your family under the age of 18?


The emergency service consultation at Dataprev has changed. Now it is no longer possible to consult just the CPF.

You must have a Gov.br account or check it by calling Caixa Econômica Federal on 111.

See how to check a Gov.br account on Dataprev: 

Access the Emergency Aid Consultation Website 

Click on Login with Gov.br 

Enter your CPF 

Enter your Gov.br account password. 

On first access, you must click Authorize to allow the use of personal information.

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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