
What is the value of Auxílio Brasil for single mothers in September?

The September payments of Auxílio Brasil were brought forward by Caixa, and the transfers of R$ 600 reais started on September 17th (Saturday).


The September payments of Auxílio Brasil were brought forward by Caixa, and the transfers of R$ 600 reais started on the 17th, Saturday. Previously, the calendar was scheduled to start only on September 19th.

The additional R$ 200 will last until December, when the state of calamity decreed by the National Congress through the PEC on Benefits since July ends. 2.2 million new families were enrolled in the benefit, reducing the waiting list to zero.

Will single mothers receive double installments in September?

No. Double payments were only made in Emergency Aid, if single mothers received the benefit with increased amounts. In the Auxílio Brasil program there are no double payments.

In this way, the group received the additional amount totaling R$ 1,200 in 2020 and R$ 375 in 2021. The remaining beneficiaries continued with their normal payments. Single parents also benefited from double payment of Emergency Aid and retroactive installments.

However, as the change from Bolsa Família to Auxílio Brasil occurred in November 2021, double payments will no longer be made. Thus, female heads of households will continue to receive the benefit, but with values of R$ 600 until December and R$ 400 from January 2023, when the installment returns to the initial value.

Brazil aid for single mothers

The list of those approved to receive Auxílio Brasil in September is now available in the program application with the CPF login and Caixa Tem password. 

In the application, citizens can check the payment date, amounts and status of the service, which can be released, blocked, canceled, and other situations.

Single mothers will receive the amount of R$ 400 plus an additional installment of R$ 200, completing the amount of R$ 600 released by the government until December 2022.

According to the Ministry of Citizenship, 82.5% of Brazilian households receive the benefit led by women. By region: North 2.4 million families (2.03 million single mothers), Northeast: 9.4 million families (7.6 million single mothers), Central-West: 1 million families (923 thousand mothers single mothers), Southeast: 5th .9 million families (4.93 million single mothers) and South: 1.3 million families (1.1 million single mothers).

Auxílio Brasil calendar for the month of September

Payments of R$ 600 of Auxílio Brasil began on September 17, after Caixa announced the anticipation of the dates.

Final NIS numberPayday
1September 17th – PAID
2September 20
3September 21st
4September 22
5September 23th
6September 24th
7September 27th
8September 28
9September 29th
0September 30th

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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