
Single Mother Benefit benefit released? What the value?

Recently, the Bolsa Família Benefit has undergone changes, which involve mothers who are beneficiaries of the program.


Recently, the Bolsa Família Benefit has undergone changes, which involve mothers who are beneficiaries of the program. Therefore, families with pregnant women will receive the amount of R$ 50. However, this is not the only benefit, single mothers can also be covered.

There is a bill (PL 2,099/20) that proposes the creation of Single Mother Assistance. This program was designed by former deputy Assis Carvalho (PI) and has deputy Érica Kokay (PT-DF) as its rapporteur. As this project has not yet come to fruition, it needs to be voted on and approved by the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate.

What would be the requirements for registering for Single Mother Allowance?

According to the aid, the requirements for mothers to receive it would be as follows:

  • Mothers at least 18 years old;
  • Not having a partner or spouse;
  • Do not work with a formal contract;
  • Have the Single Registry (CadÚnico) up to date;
  • Not be part of other federal income programs;
  • Have an income of up to half a minimum wage per person or a total family group of up to three minimum wages;
  • Have at least one child under the age of eighteen under your responsibility;
  • Not be a beneficiary of assistance programs from the National Social Security Institute (INSS);
  • Not receiving unemployment insurance.

Bolsa Família mothers should receive another benefit

The amount to be paid to pregnant women is about to happen when the Bolsa Família program is transferred in the month of June, which was defined in Provisional Measure (MPV) No. 1164/2023. The Provisional Measure was in the process of being modified in the National Congress, therefore, with another proposal that favors mothers.

The text's rapporteur, deputy Dr. Francisco (PT), authorized an amendment to the Bolsa Família text that could benefit several mothers, as they give them the right to a payment of R$ 50 more for women who are breastfeeding.

Mothers must register with CadÚnico

To be entitled to these and other government benefits, you must be registered with Cadúnico. Therefore, a representative of the family must go to a CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) post in the municipality where they live, install the application or access the website and pre-register.

When registering, the person must bring the following documents for registration to be carried out:

  • Birth Certificate or Marriage Certificate;
  • Voter ID;
  • CPF;
  • Indigenous Administrative Birth Certificate (RANI) – Only if the beneficiaries are indigenous;
  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Work Card;
  • Updated proof of residence.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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