
Auxílio Brasil: benefit of R$2,200 is released to young people from low-income families

For a young person to have access to the benefit, they must be part of a family group that is already registered and is receiving Auxílio Brasil.


Among Brazilians, there are also millions of low-income young people who seek support from the federal government through financial assistance measures. In this, one of these measures is a benefit for young athletes of R $2.200.

In this sense, these revenues help to reduce young people's financial difficulties, which prevent them from participating in sporting activities, having a more dignified life and even seeking a job opportunity.

What is the benefit for young athletes about?

There are several supplementary benefit programs for low-income families. Among them, School Sports Aid.

In this sense, it is aimed at young people aged between 12 and 17 who are involved in competitive sports at school level. In this, it was created to stimulate the sporting performance of an athlete who comes from a family situation of poverty or extreme poverty.

In addition, the amounts will be paid in 12 monthly installments of R$100 paid to the young athlete's family plus an installment of R$1,000, totaling R$2,200.

However, for a young person to have access to this benefit, they must be part of a family group that is already registered and that is already receiving Auxílio Brasil.

And, according to the government, there is no limit to the number of young people who can receive the benefit within their own family. This means that the more athletes, the more can be added to the aid.

And how are payments made?

From then on, the benefit installment schedule for young athletes will be made available according to the Auxílio Brasil schedule. And, in addition, there is an additional order of priority according to the athlete's classification.

See this order below:

  • First, registration and participation in the national phase of competitions supported by the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB), Brazilian Confederation of School Sports (CBDE) and Brazilian Paralympic Committee (CPB).
  • Second place, first place in the regional, state and district stages. After that, they are in second place in the regional, national and district phases and third in the regional, state and district phases.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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