
INSS releases the July calendar; Check the dates


This Friday, July 1st, the INSS (National Social Security Institute) released another series of the performance balance for the month of June. The launch is initially aimed at retirees and pensioners across Brazil.

So this Friday, anyone who receives 1 minimum wage and has the end of their card 6 will receive it. It is also worth remembering that layoffs for those earning more than the national minimum wage began on Friday. For this group, the beneficiaries who can receive it are those who have cards with the ending 1 and 6.

Remember that programming with all payment dates takes into account the final number of the beneficiary's card, ignoring the last check digit that appears after the dash.

Currently, more than 36 million beneficiaries in Brazil are entitled to INSS benefits. Of these, more than 60% receive a minimum wage.

Calendar for INSS payments for the month of July

Payments are made following the last digit of the Social Registration Number (NIS). See payment dates below:

For those receiving a minimum wage (R$ 1,212)

  • NIS with ending 1: June 24
  • NIS with ending 2: June 27
  • NIS with ending 3: June 28
  • NIS with ending 4: June 29
  • NIS with ending 5: June 30
  • NIS with ending 6: July 1st
  • NIS with ending 7: July 4th
  • NIS with ending 8: July 5
  • NIS with ending 9: July 6
  • NIS with ending 0: July 7

For those earning above a salary:

  • NIS with endings 1 and 6: July 1
  • NIS with endings 2 and 7: July 4
  • NIS with endings 3 and 8: July 5
  • NIS with endings 4 and 9: July 6
  • NIS with endings 5 and 0: July 7

How to check INSS payments?

Checking INSS payments is very easy, just do 100% online, via the website or through the Meu INSS mobile app. Check out how to do it below:

Website Verification:

  • First access the My INSS website
  • Enter your CPF and password (if this is your first time accessing you will need to create a password)
  • Click on the Services option
  • The option is located in the top right menu – select Declarations/Certificates/Declarations
  • In the next menu click on Certificate of Achievement
  • On the next screen click on the calendar – adjust the period in which you would like to obtain your certificate of achievement 
  • In conclusion, the list of payments received in the period is displayed and can be downloaded using the Download PDF option

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