Bolsa Família: could the 13th salary come out in 2023? check out
Although the Federal Government has already declared that it will not pay the 13th salary of Bolsa Família, the opposition intends to change this.
Although the Federal Government has already declared that it will not pay the 13th salary of Bolsa Família, the opposition intends to change this. In short, the deputies and senators opposing the Government want to change the Government's MP (Provisional Measure), which established Bolsa Família.
The focus of these politicians is to add the payment of the 13th salary to Bolsa Família. To date, the 13th salary has only been transferred once, in 2019. On that occasion, the Government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) paid an extra amount, as it was part of his campaign promise. However, in the following years, the payment of this extra amount did not occur due to the pandemic and unforeseen Emergency Aid expenses.
Proposal for the 13th salary for Bolsa Família
According to the Federal Government, the extra amount has no context in the Bolsa Família program, as the benefit is assistance and income supplementation. On the other hand, the 13th salary is an amount passed on in salary compensation.
Meanwhile, opposition deputies and senators, and even parties that are in charge of Government ministries, want to force the release of the 13th salary. Among the suggestions for change are proposals for the payment of one installment at the end of 2023. Or even, for payment in two installments, with the 1st installment in June and the 2nd in December.
Some amendments are from parliamentarians from MDB and União Brasil. According to deputy Acácio Favacho (MBD), the 13th salary is important “given that to this day, millions of Brazilians enrolled in Bolsa Família still suffer from the effects of the economic crisis faced recently”.
Representative Cristiane Lopes (União Brasil-RO) said that the extra payment is something that can reduce social inequality and poverty.
“The creation of the allowance meets the need to transfer more resources to families benefiting from the Bolsa Família program, seeking to immediately alleviate extreme poverty, considering that the increase in food prices and other necessary products has impacted the poorest families”.
Additional benefits
Parliamentarians also request the creation of extra benefits, in addition to those already announced by the Government. The new Bolsa Família will gain additional bonuses, which take into account the size and characteristics of families.
One of them is aimed at early childhood, where children up to 6 years of age will receive R$ 150. For those aged 7 to 18, as well as pregnant women, they will receive R$ 50 each.
Now, deputies and senators want new benefits that must include:
- People with a disability or serious illness, such as people with autism spectrum disorder;
- Young people aged 18 or over, enrolled in training or professional training courses;
- Teenagers attending high school full time;
- Elderly people over 65 years of age, single-parent families and single mothers.
In these cases, deputy Fabio Macedo (Podemos-MA) wants payment of R$ 50 per person with a disability. According to them, public policies must give special attention to families with members in this situation. “This minimum increase will further help families who need to guarantee a better quality of life for their disabled children or dependents”.
Deputy Jadyel Alencar (PV-PI) prepared an amendment to create an internet aid for those who receive Bolsa Família, with a value to be defined by the Government. “Millions of Brazilians still do not have access to the internet, limiting their opportunities and keeping them on the margins of society. Digital inclusion can help reduce social exclusion, reduce inequality and improve the quality of life of millions of Brazilians”, explains Alencar.
Finally, there are requests for the Government to resume the additional payments that were part of Auxílio Brasil, but which were terminated by the Lula Government. An example of this is the School Sports Aid, Junior Scientific Initiation Grant, Citizen Child Aid, Rural Productive Inclusion Aid and Urban Productive Inclusion Aid.
More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:
About the author / Tiago Menger
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