
Bolsa Família 2023: Government reveals how to apply; Look

With the return of Bolsa Família scheduled for 2023, many families are looking for information about how the registration will work.


With the return of Bolsa Família scheduled for 2023, many families are looking for information about how the registration will work. The reformulation of the social program, which will no longer be called Auxílio Brasil and will return to its old name, should only be announced in January 2023, when Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) begins his third term as president.

Registration on Bolsa Família

To select the families that would benefit from Bolsa Família, the federal government made registration in the Single Registry a prerequisite. CadÚnico works as a database collecting information from Brazilians living in poverty and extreme poverty in the country.

Several programs use the Single Registry as a gateway, such as Tarifa Social, Vale Gás and currently Auxílio Brasil. Therefore, it is not necessary for the family to register with Bolsa Família, just be registered with CadÚnico and have updated member data and the government will automatically select the beneficiaries.

Currently, to register with CadÚnico, the family must prove that they belong to one of these groups: 

  • Have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person (R$ 606.00); or 
  • Have a total monthly family income of up to three minimum wages (R$ 3,636.00); or 
  • Have an income greater than three minimum wages, as long as registration is linked to enrollment in social programs from the three government sectors.

Registration in CadÚnico must be made by a family member over 16 years of age, preferably a woman, who will be responsible for providing all information about the family group and updating this data every two years.

During registration, the family responsible must present the following documents for the registration process:

For the person responsible for the family – RF: 

  • CPF or Voter ID; 

For other family members: 

  • All documents for each person in the family: Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, CPF, ID, Work Card or Voter ID.

Will those who already receive Auxílio Brasil have to register again?

It is very likely that the new government will not again require the registration of families that currently receive Auxílio Brasil. Just like last year, when almost 14 million subscribers to the Bolsa Família program were automatically transferred to Auxílio Brasil, the expectation is that the Lula government will also preserve the current 21 million families with the resumption of the PBF.

Once approved in the program, the family will only stop receiving the benefit if the CadÚnico data is out of date or if the Ministry of Citizenship finds conflicting information about family income exceeding the required amount (up to R$ 210 per month per person).

How can I check if I am registered with Bolsa Família?

Until last year, the Bolsa Família program had an application updated by Caixa Econômica Federal, which now provides information on the payment of Auxílio Brasil. It is likely that with the change in the program, the application will receive a new update to offer Bolsa Família consultation 

Currently, families can consult Bolsa Família/Auxílio Brasil through their CPF by accessing the program's App.

Another way to find out what benefits the family receives is through the Cadastro Único app or website. Both the application and the website allow the beneficiary to make a simple or complete query, informing the CPF and password, in addition to updating the registration and issuing proof of registration.

Can MEI receive Bolsa Família?

The answer is yes. Beneficiaries who enter a formal job or become an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) can continue receiving Bolsa Família as long as the family's monthly income does not exceed the poverty line. At the time, this amount was R$ 178 per family member. 

The same measure was taken with the creation of Auxílio Brasil. This way, anyone who has been approved and receives the current R$ 600 will not lose the benefit as long as their family income does not exceed R$ 210 per person per month.

Value of Bolsa Família in 2023

Currently, the team working on the transition between the Bolsonaro and Lula government is studying ways to guarantee the payment of emergency aid of R$ 600 in 2023. 

The amount granted in August is temporary, so it now ends in December 2022. Continuing the R$ 600 in 2023 was a campaign promise from Lula, and now his team is working to make room in next year's budget.

The current Bolsonaro government left around 105 billion reais for Auxílio Brasil in 2023, which would guarantee an average value of 405 reais per month. To pay the additional R$ 200, another R$ 52 billion will be needed, which has not yet been raised.

Lula's government wants to offer an additional R$ 150 to families with children aged 0 to 6, as promised in the campaign. Team members estimate that around 8.8 million children will benefit from the additional measures. In this way, the value of Bolsa Família could reach R$ 750 in 2023.

See more:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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