
Bolsa Família: Bonus of R$ 200 will go down for everyone?

In May's Bolsa Família, all insured people will receive an income supplement of R$ 200. This measure was determined in March.


In May's Bolsa Família, all insured people will receive an income supplement of R$ 200. This measure was determined in March, and comes as an extra to the program, which already made the amount of R$ 600 available to insured people.  

Starting this month of May, the aid will be in installments of R$ 400, plus an extra R$ 200, according to President Lula through MP nº 1,164. 

The procedure for receiving is similar to that of Auxílio Brasil, and the installments are separated in the Caixa Tem app. As stated before, all policyholders will receive this additional amount of R$ 200.

Early Childhood Benefit

After the bonus worth R$ 200, benefiting families will also be able to receive a supplementary installment of R$ 150 for the First Childhood Benefit, only if they meet all the program requirements.

This includes having updated data in the Single Registry, complying with the established conditions and presenting a monthly per capita family income of up to R$ 218. The payment schedule is based on the last digit of the NIS (Social Identification Number) and the dates are detailed below:

Bolsa Família calendar for May

  • Final digit of NIS 1: 18/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 2: 19/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 3: 22/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 4: 23/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 5: 24/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 6: 25/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 7: 26/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 8: 29/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 9: 30/05;
  • Final digit of NIS 0: 31/05.

Be careful not to lose the benefit

With the entry of the new government administration, more rules were installed for Bolsa Família. Considering current demands, the government has stipulated new regulations so that families do not lose their benefit.

Now, in addition to the old income requirements, there is the need to prove the school attendance of children and teenagers in the family, in addition to always keeping their vaccination records up to date. These rules were removed from the program during Bolsonaro's government, and now Lula is back with the demands.

More news on the portal: ☕ CaféPost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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