
Bolsa Família and minimum wage will receive an increase from March

After the Carnival period, new developments will occur for Bolsa Família beneficiaries and also for the minimum wage.


After the Carnival period, new developments will occur for Bolsa Família beneficiaries and also for the minimum wage. President Lula announced good news for the poorest. The increase in the minimum wage was confirmed on Wednesday, the 16th, during an interview with CNN Brasil. The floor currently has a value of R$ 1,302 and will rise to R$ 1,320 in May 2023.

Although it seems like a small difference between the values, it is important to highlight that for every R$ 1 more in the minimum wage, the value represents an increase of R$ 389.8 million to the Union's coffers. Thus, almost R$ 7 billion is needed to cover the announced difference.

President Lula also confirmed the return of the real increase, which means that the gain is above inflation, allowing workers to increase their purchasing power. In addition, the Bolsa Família portion will increase for a group of beneficiaries from March onwards.

Minimum wage increase

With Lula's approval, the minimum wage will increase to R$ 1,320 from May 1st. As a result, the total adjustment for 2023 will be 8.9%. Inflation in 2022 closed at 5.81%, that is, a real gain of 3.1%.

The minimum wage is the amount that a worker in an urban or rural area can receive to meet their basic needs.

The Minimum Wage Law No. 185 was created during the government of President Getúlio Vargas in 1936, but only came into force on May 1, 1940. Previously, there were 14 minimum wages, and in the Federal Constitution of 1988, by Art.7º a unification was fixed in law.

Increase in Bolsa Família

Another new feature is the increase in Bolsa Família. The MDS (Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger) confirmed that:

From March onwards, families who have children up to 6 years of age in their family group will receive an additional payment of R$ 150 per child.

The measure was still under analysis, as the government carried out a fine-tooth comb process to identify alleged fraud involving CadÚnico registrations. This happened due to the considerable increase in single-person families (families made up of just one person) close to the presidential election campaign in 2022.

With this, in addition to the minimum amount of R$ 600 and the bimonthly payment of 100% for a cylinder of cooking gas from Auxílio Brasil, it will now also be possible to receive an additional installment of R$ 150, limited for up to 2 children per family.

Bolsa Família calendar for February

Bolsa Família payments for the month of February began on the 15th, Monday, for beneficiaries with final NIS 1, and run until the 28th of February.

Due to Carnival, payments were interrupted for 4 days and resumed on February 22, Wednesday, for beneficiaries with final NIS 6. See the Bolsa Família calendar for February below:

NIS FinalPayday
1February 13
2February 14th
3February 15th
4February 16
5February 17th
6February 22
7February 23
8February, 24
9February 27th
0February 28th

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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