
Bolsa Família in 2023: STF decision will maintain the benefit at R$ 600; Look

The value of R$ 600 from Bolsa Família will continue in 2023. A decision by the STF minister, Gilmar Mendes, determined that the benefit could be outside the spending ceiling.


The value of R$ 600 from Bolsa Família will continue in 2023. A decision by the minister of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), Gilmar Mendes, on the night of Sunday, 18, determined that the benefit intended for the 21.6 million families may be outside the spending ceiling.

Mendes responded to a request presented by the Rede Sustentabilidade party, which also includes the authorization to open extraordinary credit to maintain the value of R$ 600 in 2023.

I believe it is legally possible that additional expenditures of resources intended to cover costs related to the maintenance of the Auxílio Brasil program (or any subsequent social program) in the 2023 fiscal year can be facilitated through the opening of extraordinary credit, noting that such expenses are not included on the calculation basis and within the limits established in the constitutional spending ceiling“, says the document.

In December, families registered in the program are receiving the last installment of the benefit in this amount.

The additional amount of R$ 200, which is temporary, is not foreseen in the Budget and that is why the Lula government is trying to approve the PEC of Transition (PEC of the burst and Bolsa Família) so that the beneficiary families do not receive the amount of R$ 400 in January.

Bolsa Família PEC hangs in the Chamber

Although the process is fast in the Senate, the PEC for the Bolsa Família program has already been in the negotiation process in the Chamber of Deputies for 2 weeks. Arthur Lira, president of the House, denies that the delay is related to the negotiation of positions in the new government.

According to information from Uol, Lira intends to nominate a PP ally for the Ministry of Health and supports Elmar Nacimento, leader of União Brasil in the Chamber, for the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Lira and Lula met again on the morning of the 18th, Sunday, to try to resolve the impasse. The vote is scheduled for Tuesday 20th and can no longer be postponed, considering that Congress goes into recess on Friday 23rd December.

Now, with the minister's decision, the elected government is less dependent on the approval of the PEC, which has a short deadline for approval in two rounds in the Chamber. On the networks, senator Randolfe Rodrigues, from the party that sent the request accepted by Gilmar Mendes, celebrated the decision.

Representative Marcel van Hattem (Novo-RS) criticized the Judiciary's interference in a decision that is solely up to the National Congress.

Brazil aid ends on December 23rd

This week, before Christmas, Caixa Econômica Federal releases what should be the last payment of Auxílio Brasil. December installments began on the 12th for those enrolled in NIS final 1 and will continue until Friday (23rd), when the last families receive the benefit.

The forecast is that from January onwards the social program that serves 21.6 million Brazilian families will once again be called Bolsa Família. The value of R$ 600 must be maintained and there is the possibility of an extra value of R$ 150 for children up to 6 years of age.

See below the latest dates for payment of Auxílio Brasil in 2022:

PaydayNIS Final
December 196
December 207
December 218
December 229
December 230

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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