
Bolsa Família: Government may launch new program format in February

Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, announced that the Bolsa Família program will have a new format in February.


Wellington Dias, Minister of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger, announced that the Bolsa Família program will have a new format, and that it will be presented in February.

Among the proposals for the new format of the program is the update of CadÚnico, the integration of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), and other actions that facilitate the inclusion of those who need the benefit and remove those who do not need assistance from the program.

The new elected government aims to actively seek out people who are outside the program in order to include new members. In addition to the continuation of the amount of R$ 600, the planning foresees the payment of an additional installment of R$ 150 for families with children under 6 years of age.

There will also be an update of registrations for more than 10 million benefits that may contain irregularities. Of these suspicious registrations, there may be at least 6 million single-person families (made up of just one person), with a greater likelihood of fraud in the requirements to receive.

Of course, we recognize that sometimes it is possible for there to be a one-person family. There was a couple there who no longer have children, or may be widows, well, that also happens and it's legal. We are saying it strangely. Brazil normally has 3.1 people per family“, said Dias.

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Due to the re-registration of the government's database, the Single Registry (CadÚnico), it will be possible to increase the payment of income transfers to fulfill the president's campaign promise, with the additional amount of R$ 150 for young children. This way, the government will also be able to present new proposals for the Bolsa Família program.

According to the minister, the installments of R$ 600 will be paid in January. In the month of February, the work of updating registration, assistance and active search for Bolsa Família will begin.

The card, which will be issued in February and paid in March, must be updated to pay the extra installment of R$ 150 after registration analysis. For the minister, the registration update should not increase public spending on the Bolsa Família program.

Bolsa Família calendar for January

The Bolsa Família 2023 schedule has already been released by the Ministry of Development, and accompanies the final NIS of each beneficiary.

For January, the calendar starts on the 18th, starting payments by beneficiaries with final NIS 1, and continuing until the 31st, when the last group of beneficiaries pays.

  • NIS final 1: January 18th;
  • NIS final 2: January 19th;
  • NIS final 3: January 20th;
  • NIS final 4: January 23rd;
  • NIS final 5: January 24th;
  • NIS final 6: January 25th;
  • NIS final 7: January 26th;
  • NIS final 8: January 27th;
  • NIS final 9: January 30th;
  • Final NIS 0: January 31st.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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