
Bolsa Família: Lula confirms increase in installments in March; Look

The new Bolsa Família should continue to have a floor of R$ 600 per month for families who are in a situation of social vulnerability. However, the additional R$ 150.00 will begin in March.


An adjustment is coming to Bolsa Família. Last Wednesday (15), President Lula was visiting the BR-101 duplication work in the municipality of Maruim (SE). On that occasion, Lula confirmed the relaunch of the Bolsa Família income transfer program next week.

The new Bolsa Família should continue to have a floor of R$ 600 per month for families who are in a situation of social vulnerability. However, the additional R$ 150.00 per child up to 6 years old will begin in March. Regarding the receipt limit, if up to 2 children at most would receive the additional, limiting the additional to R$ 300, the president has not yet confirmed whether this will occur.

Next week we will announce a new Bolsa Família of R$ 600 and an additional R$ 150 per child, so that families are able to buy quality food for their children“, said Lula.

Relaunch of the Bolsa Família program

The new Bolsa Família will maintain the values of the old Auxílio Brasil program, in addition to an additional R$ 150 per child up to six years old who makes up the registered family. However, the new government emphasized that the return of the program will have so-called conditions, measures that must be taken so that families continue to receive monthly payments.

Among them are the need to keep the vaccination card up to date, in addition to children and adolescents being properly enrolled and attending school. It is worth remembering that these demands were forgotten during the previous government.

Another point is that the government is carrying out a sort of fine-tooth comb to investigate any signs of irregularities in the CadÚnico (Cadastro Único) records. During the last elections, the number of single-person families (with just one person) increased considerably. Therefore, the number of beneficiaries should decrease.

This week, the president began a series of trips across the country to resume actions that have been stopped in recent years. The intention is to make improvements in the first 100 days of government.

Calendar for the month of February

The Bolsa Família payment calendar for February has already started and follows the beneficiary's final NIS (Social Identification Number).

For those with final NIS 1, the average payment now of R$ 606 was paid last Monday, the 13th. The calendar continues staggered until February 28th, where holders of final NIS 0 receive.

This month the Auxílio Gás benefit is also being paid, together with Bolsa Família.

See the February calendar dates below:

Bolsa Família Calendar for February 2023
NIS FinalPayday
1February 13
2February 14th
3February 15th
4February 16
5February 17th
6February 22
7February 23
8February, 24
9February 27th
0February 28th

With information from Find Competitions.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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