
Bolsa Família: See the criteria for receiving the benefit in 2023

Wellington Dias, new Minister of Social Development in the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), confirmed that the income transfer program will once again be called Bolsa Família.


Wellington Dias, new Minister of Social Development in the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), confirmed that the income transfer program will be renamed Bolsa Família, after the Bolsonaro government changed the name of the program to Auxílio Brasil in December 2021.

The minister also explained that the new management should make some changes to the program, with the review of beneficiaries in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and the change of some rules. “We will carry out a review. Any number is a guess,” said Dias.

He also said that it is not possible to give an estimate of how many people can leave CadÚnico. By December 2022, the Auxílio Brasil program was benefiting more than 21 million families.

What will change in the program criteria?

The new government must bring back some criteria previously used in Bolsa Família, such as the calculation carried out to pass on the amounts to the beneficiaries. The objective of the Lula government team is to correct irregularities in the payment of the installment of R$ 600 per family, considering the number of members.

The Federal Court of Auditors published a report in 2022 that revealed possible errors in payments made by Auxílio Brasil. In this way, “artificial divisions” were identified in the registries that led to undue approvals of families in the program. This meant that single-person families – those made up of just one member – grew significantly in the Auxílio Brasil program, paying the same amount of R$ 600 that families with children received, for example.

What changes will happen to Bolsa Família?

According to Wellington Dias, CadÚnico will be updated according to data collected by the IBGE 2022 Census, which includes more precise parameters to map the socially disadvantaged.

The new government also intends to carry out an active search to identify individuals eligible for Bolsa Família, but not eligible for benefits. The value of R$ 600 is already included in the government's new Provisional Measure recently published in a supplement to the Official Gazette. The MP also guaranteed the payment of 50% for the 13kg cylinder to Vale-Gás.

Bolsa Família calendar for January

The Bolsa Família payment schedule for 2023 already has defined dates. See below the dates of the first calendar of 2023, already confirmed by the Federal Government, taking into account the final NIS number of the beneficiaries:

  • NIS final 1: January 18th;
  • NIS final 2: January 19th;
  • NIS final 3: January 20th;
  • NIS final 4: January 23rd;
  • NIS final 5: January 24th;
  • NIS final 6: January 25th;
  • NIS final 7: January 26th;
  • NIS final 8: January 27th;
  • NIS final 9: January 30th;
  • Final NIS 0: January 31st.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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