
Bolsa Família: Payment of the additional installment may be limited; Understand

With the payment of the additional Bolsa Família scheduled for March, the Government hopes to finalize the registration process in February.


With the payment of the additional installment of Bolsa Família scheduled to begin in March, the Federal Government hopes to complete the fine-tooth process of registrations in February to find out what budgetary impact the measure will have on public coffers.

Sources in Planalto already indicate that the additional portion may be limited. Still without confirming the information, the press vehicles are announcing that the additional installment may be limited to R$ 300.

In this way, families with more than 2 children would have the additional portion limited to R$ 300. Accumulating just 2 additional children would be a way of equitably distributing the amounts and avoiding a high increase in the cost of the benefit.

For example, the minimum wage is currently R$ 1,302. In this way, a family with up to 4 children under the age of 6 would receive an additional R$ 1,200 from Bolsa Família. Thus, the Government would limit the value of the benefit to R$ 900, allowing it to reach a greater number of families with the same budget.

This decision has not yet been made official and is being discussed internally by the government. The release of the additional installment is scheduled to begin in March and the official rules will be released in February, said Wellington Dias (PT-PI), current minister of Social Development, Family and Fight Against Hunger.

Without time to include those who really need the benefit in the January sheet with outdated data, the additional installment was postponed for 60 days, until technicians finish the fine-tooth comb process on CadÚnico accounts and registrations.

Who can receive the additional installment?

The additional installment of R$ 150 will be available to families with children under 6 years of age. The Ministry will use data from CadÚnico, according to the Q already informed and sent internally to city halls, responsible for updating family data.

Even so, it is extremely important for the RF (Family Responsible) to contact CRAS or the city hall to keep the data updated in CadÚnico with the agency, to avoid exclusion soon or having the value of the benefit reduced.

For the month of January, Bolsa Família payments continue until the middle of the week. The average amount paid this month for the program is R$ 614.21. There are 21.9 million families benefiting and an investment of R$ 13.38 billion.

Bolsa Família calendar in January

See how the Bolsa Família calendar dates for January look:

  • NIS final 1: January 18;
  • NIS final 2: January 19;
  • NIS final 3: January 20;
  • NIS final 4: January 23;
  • NIS final 5: January 24;
  • NIS final 6: January 25;
  • NIS final 7: January 26;
  • NIS final 8: January 27;
  • NIS final 9: January 30;
  • NIS end 0: January 31st.

The Federal Government has already released the Bolsa Família payment dates for 2023. To find out the day on which the benefit is deposited into the bank account, the family must check the last digit of the NIS (Social Identification Number), printed on the card. Always in the last 10 business days of each month, Caixa will make payments, one day for each corresponding NIS.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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