
Bolsa Família: Fine-tooth comb excluded 5 million single-parent families from CadÚnico

The Bolsa Família fine-tooth comb process is already making cuts. This is said because at least 5 million families were blocked. 


The Bolsa Família fine-tooth comb process is already making cuts. This is said because at least 5 million single-parent beneficiary families participating in the program were blocked in the fine-tooth comb. 

According to the Federal Government, the registration data of these single-parent families must be verified. This process will be carried out by the MDS (Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger).

Excluded families will undergo review

According to the MDS, individuals from these excluded families will be invited to carry out a registration review. Therefore, there is no need to run after assistance units to regularize your situation.

Wellington Dias, Minister of Development explains that:

“The objective of this initiative is to open the door to the poorest and help, including those who are outside and who meet the criteria, and excluding those who are receiving irregular payments. Those who truly need the transfer will not be “turned off”.

Furthermore, the Government projects that, of the total of 5 million registered in the Single Registry who receive Bolsa Família and live alone, 2.5 million show signs of irregularities related to income, and do not meet the program's criteria.

Finally, it is worth remembering that the number of single people covered by Bolsa Família rose from 14 million to 22 million. The increase occurred between the months of December 2020 and December 2022.

How will the review be called?

According to the Ministry of Development, calls must be made by social assistance technicians from each municipality. Professionals will contact families excluded from the Bolsa Família program, and will update data and information.

Summons must be made by city halls, through a message on the payment statement or via text message sent to the registered telephone number. The Federal Government said it will promote a public service campaign to explain to the population the criteria for access to social policies.

How does the Bolsa Família fine-tooth comb process work?

The Bolsa Família fine-tooth process will carry out a comprehensive review based on CadÚnico data. The system works as a database that groups information about the low-income population and directs it to social benefits.

However, CadÚnico has been outdated in recent years, especially during the period of Auxílio Brasil, established by the government of former president Jair Bolsonaro. The rule determining the release of the benefit only to the head of the family group led to a disproportionate increase in the number of single-parent families.

Currently, more than 40 million families are registered with CadÚnico. Of these, 10 million have irregularities in their registration data. Of this total, around 2.5 million families are investigated by the Bolsa Família fine-tooth comb, due to suspected irregularities.

Bolsa Família's fine-tooth comb process aims to ensure that beneficiaries actually meet the eligibility rules. To achieve this, the focus will be on reviewing the records of 6 million single-person families.

How not to fall prey to Bolsa Família

Regardless of what the new rules will be like, it is certain that the analysis considers the data reported by CadÚnico. Therefore, the registered family must have a monthly income of up to half the minimum wage per person (or R$ 651.00). Or, three minimum wages as family income (or R$ 3906.00).

If the family group falls within these rules, they must contact the nearest CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) in their municipality and update their registration data.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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