
Bolsa Família: See the new rules for payroll loans

Last January, Caixa Econômica suspended the Bolsa Família payroll loan. The modality, established in October 2022, released resources of around 2.5 thousand per customer.


Last January, Caixa Econômica suspended the Bolsa Família payroll loan. The modality, established in October 2022, released resources of around 2.5 thousand per customer. However, in 2023, with Maria Rita Serrano in charge, Caixa reformulated the product, which should be relaunched soon, with new rules.

In fact, a regulation was published in the Official Gazette of the Union indicating what the new rules for Bolsa Família payroll loans should be. The Minister of Social Development, Wellington Dias, said that the government should release new loan requests after updating the rules.

How did the Auxílio Brasil loan work?

For several political analysts, the release of credit granted by Auxílio Brasil was just a strategy to get votes. In 2022, former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), increased the program's installments by R$ 200 monthly and created the credit modality.

Before the changes, whoever decided to apply for credit needed to agree to some rules. Are they:

  • Consignable margin 40% on the value of R$ 400;
  • Interest rate: maximum 3.5%;
  • Value of installments: from R$ 15 to R$ 160;
  • Number of installments: up to 24, i.e. 2 years of payment.

Why was the consignment suspended?

According to the president of Caixa, Rita Serrano, the reason for suspending the Auxílio Brasil loan was the need to review it. The president explains that it is necessary to look carefully at how this loan works.

This is because she understands that the interest charged is above what is allowed for this type of loan. Furthermore, she used the fine-tooth comb process in the registrations as a justification, where some families should be excluded from the program.

It is worth noting that in 2022, the Auxílio Brasil allocation was the target of several criticisms. According to experts in economics and consumer rights, the operation is high risk. In fact, it can cause more debt for vulnerable families. Finally, the criticism is due to the fact that the Aid is used for the survival of families, and with the discount on installments, the situation becomes even worse.

What are the new rules established for the Bolsa Família loan?

According to the text published in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union), there are very significant changes to the Bolsa Família loan. From the date mentioned, credit can only be released by Caixa Econômica or other qualified banks, within the new rules.

The text highlights that:

  • Consignable margin: Reduction from 40% to 5% of the benefit;
  • Number of installments: Reduction from 24 to a maximum of 6 installments;
  • Interest rate: Reduction from 3.5% per month to up to 2.5% per month. 

According to Minister Wellington Dias, the changes should protect the financial lives of these families. In 2022, Caixa lent at least R$ 112 million in just one day.

Bolsa Família is not a salary, it is a grant, an emergency protection to ensure that the person has support to guarantee an increase in their income status through employment or entrepreneurship. What was done there was perversity with a non-standard interest rate, we reduced this rate by 30%, it sets a limit because it recognizes emergency situations“, explained Dias.

How to take out a Bolsa Família loan?

Despite the announcement of the new payroll loan rules, the Government still does not have a deadline for releasing the credit. In short, Caixa still intends to study the criteria that were determined by the resolution.

Finally, it is important to highlight that, in addition to Caixa, other banks and credit unions offered credit. They are:

  • Banco Agibank S/A;
  • Banco Crefisa S/A;
  • Banco Daycoval S/A;
  • Banco Pan S/A;
  • Banco Safra S/A;
  • Capital Consig Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A;
  • Facta Financeira S/A Credit, Financing and Investment;
  • Pintos S/A Créditos;
  • QI Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A;
  • Valor Sociedade de Crédito Direto S/A;
  • Zema Crédito, Financiamento e Investimento S/A.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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