
Caixa Econômica releases new Bolsa Família application; check out

The new Bolsa Família app is available. Caixa Econômica has finalized the application updates for benefit consultation.


The new Bolsa Família app is available. Caixa Econômica Federal has completed updates to the application for viewing the benefit, which now has a new icon and new colors for the program.

Starting in March, with the relaunch of Bolsa Família, the 21 million families that receive the minimum monthly amount of R$ 600 will no longer make inquiries through the Auxílio Brasil app and will start using the new Bolsa Família app to check available installments.

In addition to the completely new application, beneficiaries of the social program received another new feature announced for March: the payment of an additional installment of R$ 150 for children aged 0 to 6 years old. The Government has not defined a maximum ceiling on benefits that can be paid and in other cases the installment may be higher than R$ 1,000 per month.

What is the official app?

First of all, it is important to ensure that you are downloading the official App. This is because the login is carried out using the CPF and password and if this information falls into the wrong hands, it can cause great losses for the beneficiaries.

Therefore, when typing “Bolsa Família” in your cell phone’s app store, pay attention when downloading the app. Another way to ensure that the app is official is by looking at who the app developer is. In this case, the developer will be the “Caixa Econômica Federal” right below the name.

For those who already have the application installed on their cell phone, just access the store and update to the new version.

How to access the Bolsa Família application?

Despite the update, few things have changed in the way the application is accessed. Login continues to be through the CPF of the family responsible and the Caixa Tem App or Bolsa Família app password.

Caixa Tem password login – click on the option and enter your CPF number. Afterwards, click the Next button and enter the same password as the Caixa Tem application;

Login with password for the Bolsa Família app – enter your CPF and click the Next button. Then, enter the same password used in the Bolsa Família, Caixa Trabalhador and FGTS applications.

After logging into the Bolsa Família application, the beneficiary has access to the screen with information about their benefit, such as installment consultation, release date and the option for voluntary termination.

The situation of the installments may vary from person to person, and may be:

  • Parcel released (green icon): benefit available for withdrawal from the date indicated in the payment calendar;
  • Blocked installment (yellow icon): blocked payment, contact the Bolsa Família Manager in your municipality for more information;
  • Installment sent for credit (dark blue icon): benefit is in the process of being credited to the account. Check the account you receive in to see if the amounts have already been credited;
  • Installment canceled (red icon)Look for the Bolsa Família Manager in your municipality for more information;
  • Installment paid (gray icon): current payment has already been made, check the calendar for the date of the next installment;
  • Pending installment (light blue icon)outstanding amount due to withdrawal without completion. Wait for regularization or look for a Caixa branch.

Within the application, the beneficiary will be able to check the payment calendar according to the NIS and the telephone numbers to clarify any doubts.

More news on the portal: ☕ CoffeePost:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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