
New Bolsa Família of R$ 1,062? Understand possible new value of the BENEFIT

The Federal Government announced a new Bolsa Família that could reach R$ 1062.00. Check information about the increase


The Federal Government announced a new Bolsa Família that could reach R$ 1062.00. The benefit was presented for the first time in 2003, when President Lula (PT) assumed his first term as President of the Republic. Twenty years later, he commands the Federal Executive for an unprecedented third time. And with that, he intends to resume the program. 

Therefore, the new Bolsa Família will present significant changes, compared to the first version of the benefit. The Federal Government will also modify some rules, and thus replace the current Auxilio Brasil. The announcement should be made in the coming weeks and version 2.0 of Bolsa Família will be paid in March. 

Will the new Bolsa Família be R$ 1062.00? Understand 

Before talking about the new Bolsa Família, it is important to explain about Vale-gás. The aid was implemented by former president Bolsonaro (PL). At first, I paid an amount corresponding to half a 13 kg cylinder of cooking gas. However, after the approval of the PEC (Constitutional Amendment Proposal) for Benefits, the value of the aid started to cover a 13 kg cylinder.

Upon taking office, Lula chose to maintain the benefit by paying a full amount. The ANP (National Petroleum Agency) calculates the value of the gas voucher. On average, the benefit is R$ 112.00. It is paid every two months, together with Bolsa Família. So, when the new Bolsa Família is paid, in April, some beneficiaries will be covered by the Gas Valley.

Furthermore, the Federal Government will pay an additional R$ 150.00 for families with children up to six years of age. If there is more than one child in this age group, the bonus value will be R$ 300.00. Finally, the Federal Government will pay R$ 50.00 for each child or teenager up to 18 years of age. 

If all the values are added together, it is possible to reach the new Bolsa Família. Check the table below. 

  • R$ 600 as a fixed installment, which is paid every month;
  • R$ 112 for Vale-gás, which is paid to some families every two months;
  • R$ 300 as an additional fee for families with two or more children up to six years of age;
  • Finally, the R$ 50 bonus for children and young people up to 18 years old.

The additional two will be paid every month. 

See too: VITÓRIA: Lula's Minister announces EXTRA payment on Bolsa Família, see how to receive it

Check out more changes to Bolsa Família

The new Bolsa Família will also undergo changes to the rules. According to Lula, if people do not respect these rules, they could lose the benefit. 

  • Children up to seven years of age must take all vaccines made available by the SUS (Unified Health System); 
  • Pregnant women must undergo medical monitoring through the SUS; 
  • Finally, school-age children and adolescents must have an attendance of at least 75% in schools. 

Such rules are called conditions and are once again mandatory in the new Bolsa Família. 

Source: PronaTEC.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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