
BPC: What are the rules for requesting the benefit in 2023?

Currently, there are more than 5 million people living in situations of social vulnerability in Brazil who receive the so-called Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC).


Currently, there are more than 5 million people living in situations of social vulnerability in Brazil who receive the so-called Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC). The monthly payment of a minimum wage benefits seniors over 65 and people with disabilities.

Until the end of 2022, beneficiaries received R$ 1,212 monthly. From this year onwards, due to the adjustment of the minimum wage, the amount transferred monthly will be R$ 1,320.

Although many are confused, the BPC is not a retirement, but a support measure from the Federal Government. In other words, it has different and specific rules.

What are the rules for applying for the BPC in 2023?

The Continuous Payment Benefit is different from retirement, as it does not pay the 13th salary, nor does it guarantee the right to a death pension. To receive the benefit, you must meet some requirements.

In short, a disabled or elderly person must have an income per person in the family group equal to or less than 1/4 of the minimum wage. Thus, if the minimum wage in force is R$ 1,320, in order to receive the benefit, the person cannot receive more than R$ 330 per month.

See below the list of rules for receiving the Continuous Payment Benefit:

  • Have Brazilian or Portuguese nationality, with proven residence in Brazil;
  • Have a family income per person equal to or less than R$ 330.00 (1/4 of the minimum wage);
  • Be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) before requesting the BPC;
  • If you are an elderly person applying, you must be 65 years old or over;
  • If you are a person with a disability, your physical, mental, intellectual or sensory status must be proven with a medical report;
  • In the case of people with serious mental disorders and/or permanent health problems, there must also be proof via a medical report and INSS expertise, with the family income described.

How to request the BPC?

The BPC is administered by the National Social Security Secretariat, linked to the Ministry of Citizenship. However, part of the process is carried out by the National Social Security Institute (INSS).

From this point on, the monthly payment dates for the Continuous Payment Benefit are similar to the payment dates for INSS retirements and pensions. See below the ways to request the BPC:

1. Via Applications and website Meu INSS

See how to carry out the procedure:

  1. Access the My INSS;
  2. Afterwards, click "New request";
  3. Then, type the name of the service or benefit you want;
  4. From the list, select the name of the service or benefit. In this case, select BPC;
  5. Finally, read the text displayed on the screen and follow the instructions.

2. By phone

You can request help via the INSS telephone hotline, at number 135. The call center is open from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm. The call is free and there are no costs.

It is also worth mentioning that in the past, the request to register with the BPC could only be made in person. However, the Government now makes the request available via telephone, app and website.

3. In person, at a Social Security Agency

However, anyone who wishes can go in person to a Social Security Agency (APS). At the agency, it is possible to apply for the benefit. And if you still have any questions about the benefit, you can visit a Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your region.

How do I know if the request was approved by the INSS?

The INSS sends a correspondence to the Continuous Payment Benefit applicant. This communication informs whether the benefit was granted or not.

In cases where receipt of the benefit is confirmed, the beneficiary receives a free magnetic card, exclusive to BPC. Payment is made into a current or savings account. And the bank branch is informed in the letter issued by the agency.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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