
CadÚnico: Deadline for updating data is until October


Families who benefit from the federal government's social programs and who have not updated their data in CadÚnico for more than two years have until October 14th to change their data and avoid canceling their benefits.

Through CadÚnico, the Government manages and includes low-income families in the Auxílio Brasil, Auxílio Emergencial, BPC (Continuous Payment Benefit), TSEE (Social Electricity Tariff) programs, and other social programs.

What if the CadÚnico data is not updated?

If CadÚnico data is not updated, benefits may be suspended or even cancelled. As a result, families can be excluded from the Single Registry (CadÚnico) from July 2023.

In addition to citizens themselves, states and local authorities also update information that is used to implement public policies.

Just the registration process in the government system does not guarantee automatic access to social programs, but it is a prerequisite for the registration evaluation.

Deadline for updating data

Families that have not had their data updated since 2016 and 2017 in Bolsa Família, now Auxílio Brasil, only have until October 14, 2022 to do so. 

To avoid the suspension of the Auxílio Brasil benefit and the Social Electricity Tariff – TSEE, the data must be updated by December 2022.

Registration status in CadÚnico

The beneficiary can check their registration status through the Cadastro Único application or the CadÚnico website. It is possible to find out if registered citizens are in a situation of Inquiry or Registration Review and what is necessary to regularize their data.

Families that need to update their registration details will receive a message on their payment receipt and in the application.

TSEE beneficiaries will receive notifications for their energy bill.

See the addresses of CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Centers) by municipality at this link:  https://aplicacoes.mds.gov.br/sagi/mops/

What happens if CadÚnico data is not updated?

If CadÚnico data is not updated, benefits may be suspended or even cancelled.

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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