
Cadúnico: families receive TV antennas


Families registered with CadÚnico benefit from TV Antennas

Families in the city of Rio registered in the federal government's Single Registry of Social Programs (Cadúnico) and who use traditional satellite dishes to tune into television channels can now register to receive free kits with digital antennas. According to Siga Antenado, the body responsible for coordinating the replacement of the device, the forecast is that 25,900 kits will be distributed and installed in the capital of Rio de Janeiro.

The change is necessary due to the migration of the broadcast signal from open satellite television channels. Soon the signal transmitted to conventional antennas will be interrupted. Only then can 5G technology be used for telecommunications reaching the country. 5G works on the same frequency as conventional satellite dishes (band C). The new kit, working in Ku band, guarantees better image and sound quality.

How to Schedule Kit Pickup 

Interested parties must call 0800-729-2404 or access the website and provide their CPF or NIS.

Cadunico exceptions

Families that participate in the cadúnico but use fishbone digital antennas (installed in homes), internal digital antennas or pay-per-view television will not see any changes. Therefore, they will not be covered by the new kits. 

Siga Antenado – founded on behalf of Anatel – is founded by operators Claro, TIM and Vivo, which were the winners of the national blocks of the 5G auction with licenses for the 3.5 GHz band. 

See too:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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