
Auxílio Brasil: Caixa places 200,000 loan requests under review

For beneficiaries who had their Auxílio Brasil loan request canceled by Caixa, it is still possible to request credit.


For beneficiaries who had their Auxílio Brasil loan request canceled by Caixa, it is still possible to request the credit.

Until last Friday, the 21st, Caixa estimates that there were around 200 thousand people whose contract was pending or under analysis and who needed to make a new request.

In this case, the citizen, who is within the rules established by the Ministry of Citizenship, must access the Caixa Tem application or go to a lottery or Caixa branch to re-place the order.

What can cause loan cancellation?

The main reasons that may lead to the cancellation of the Auxílio Brasil payroll loan request are:

  • Irregular CPF at the Federal Revenue; 
  • Not having responded to the call made by the Ministry of Citizenship; 
  • Apply for the loan without having received the third installment of the benefit; 
  • Not receiving the benefit into account; 
  • Expected end of the benefit; 

Thus, those who had their request denied will be able to reapply after resolving the problem that caused the suspension.

Rules established for the Auxílio Brasil consignment

According to the rules established by the Ministry of Citizenship, the loan modality for beneficiaries of the income transfer program allows the amount to be deducted directly from the payroll for benefits by qualified financial institutions. 

Published Regulation No. 816 sets the interest rate at a maximum of 3.5% per month. However, each institution can set the rate they wish, as long as the ceiling is respected.

The payment is made in up to 24 installments, and up to 40% of the total amount paid for the benefit can be used, based on the value of R$ 400, since the R$ 600 will be paid, by law, by December 2022. This way, it will be possible to discount of up to R$ 160 of the benefit value, leaving R$ 240 for family expenses.

The financial institution must clarify all the rules for the citizen before concluding the contract. The credit will only be available to the RF (Family Responsible) of Auxílio Brasil or a holder of the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC).

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About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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