
Cash: Deadline for the extraordinary withdrawal of R$1 thousand available? 

Caixa reminds workers who have not yet made an extraordinary withdrawal from the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund)


Caixa Econômica Federal reminds workers who have not yet made an extraordinary withdrawal from the FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund) that there is still a chance to withdraw money. The deadline to withdraw money ends on December 15th this year. It will be possible to withdraw up to R$ 1 thousand (considering the balance available in your FGTS account).

According to the bank, as of early August, around R$ 9.2 billion had still not been transferred from the benefit sources. To withdraw money, you must have an account with the Guarantee Fund and an available balance.

Remember that the operation is carried out automatically using the Caixa Tem account in the worker's name. If this does not happen, it is necessary to request the release of resources.

money block

It may happen that the amount is blocked and cannot be withdrawn. This can happen if you signed up for the anniversary withdrawal and asked for the installments to be released in advance. Blocking can also occur in situations where there is a court order, a request for the return of the amount collected by the employer and inconsistent data.

how to check your INSS balance

The worker will be able to check whether the amounts are available for withdrawal on the Caixa website, by accessing one of the Caixa branches or by accessing the FGTS application (available for Android and iOS). Previously, it would not be necessary to request the release of resources, as the money would be automatically made available in the worker's account with Caixa Tem.

For those who do not have a Digital Social Savings account at Caixa Tem, Caixa will automatically open an account in the worker's name to allow the movement of amounts.

How can I check my FGTS balance? 

You can access the Caixa website and enter your full address to receive it at home or call 0800 726 01 01 to receive the FGTS statement correspondence every two months.

From the site:

To access FGTS information, access the Caixa website (you need to register and create a password), then enter your NIS/PIS. It can be found on the Citizen's Identity Card, Work Card or printed FGTS declaration.

Using the FGTS app and at Caixa branches, you can: 

  • consult the amount to be credited; 
  • check the credit date in the Digital Social Savings Account; 
  • inform that you do not want to receive credit for the amount; 
  • request the return of the amount credited to the FGTS account; 
  • registration change to create a Digital Social Savings Account. 

See more news on the internet:

About the author  /  Tiago Menger

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